Infectious Diseases Pharmacology

Unit 5: Infectious Diseases Pharmacology

  • Infectious Disease Pharmacology

    Infectious Disease Pharmacology

    Welcome to Unit 5 of Advanced Pharmacology

    A large part of primary care is treating infectious diseases. Antibiotics, antiviral’s, and antifungals are anti-infective agents that you will need to be highly familiar and develop a comfort zone of knowledge and application of various agents. Spend time on these modules and gather additional resources to aid in your success. Some of those resources are listed in the optional books section of the syllabus. Categorizing and time-effective agents into classes are most helpful in understanding their mechanism of action. Sensitivity and resistance are factors to consider when prescribing anti-infected agents. In addition, there are steps in antimicrobial drug selection to consider when a diagnosis or differential diagnosis has been made. As you begin to put it all together, you will see that an accurate diagnosis or differential diagnosis is crucial to rational drug selection. Special population characteristics also come into consideration.

    Unit Learning Objectives

    • Examine the principles of pathophysiology and therapeutics that direct the pharmacotherapeutic interventions for infectious diseases
    • Analyze the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic actions of agents used for management of infectious diseases
    • Apply the evidence for pharmacotherapeutic interventions in a patient with infectious diseases
    • Apply critical-thinking processes to the management and evaluation of expected effects and potential adverse effects of pharmacodynamic agents.
    Week 7/Unit 5 “To Do” List
    1. High-Yield Med Review Infectious Disease Quiz due Sunday of Week 7
    2. Shadow Health Focused Exam: Pediatric GAS Pharyngitis due Sunday of Week 7
    3. Shadow Health Anti-infectives Concept Lab due Sunday of Week 7
    4. Prepare for Unit 4 & 5 Exam next week!
  • Learning Materials

    Learning Materials

    Lectures & E-Book
    • Busti, A. J. (2022). NP Curriculum Support-Advanced Pharmacology for NPs. MedEducation, LLC.
        • Penicillin Agents
        • Cephalosporins
        • Fosfomycin
        • Macrolides
        • Fluroquinolones
        • Antibiotics-other
        • Anaerobic Agents
        • Influenza-Antiviral Review
        • Antifungals
        • Drug Allergies and Cross Reactivity – Penicillin Allergies
        • Drug Allergies and Cross Reactivity – Sulfa Allergies
        • Ophthalmic Antibiotics for Bacterial Eye Infections
    Optional Learning Resources
  • Following review of all assigned lectures and correlating E-book chapters in High Yield Med Review, you will complete the module quiz in the HYMR platform.
    • From the Dashboard select “EXAMS”
    • Navigate to the “Infectious Diseases – Self Assessment” 
    • Click “Take Exam”
    You will have  one attempt to complete 10 questions in 15 minutes. Once completed, please take a screen shot of your score and upload to this assignment tab for grading. This quiz is worth 20 points, so based on your % score you will receive the correlating points below.
    20 points
    18 points
    16 points
    14 points
    12 points
    10 points
    8 points
    6 points
    4 points
    2 points
    No submission
    0 points
    *Please note, faculty are able to view your time and activity in HYMR.*
  • The purpose of this Shadow Health Concept Lab assignment is to help you achieve the following  Course Learning Outcomes 1-5.
    This week you will participate in a Shadow Health Concept Lab pertaining to anti-infective medications. This will allow you to learn about pharmacological concepts related to commonly administered anti-infective drugs. This module should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
    What to Submit:
    Upon completion of the assignment:
    1. Submit your completion certificate
    2. Submit your reflection response to the questions below
    Reflection Response Instructions: Submit a 1 page reflection response to the questions below. Please use APA format and include one scholarly reference.
    • What are some available resources/guidelines that you will use to help select appropriate antibiotics? Give brief overview of how this will apply to your NP practice. 
    Shadow Health Technical Support
    If at any time you have any questions or encounter any technical issues regarding the Digital Clinical Experience, please contact the Shadow Health support specialists by visiting the Learner Support Page at for contact information and hours. You may email the Learner Support team directly at   [email protected] at any time or by calling 800.860.3241.
  • The purpose of this Shadow Health Focused Exam assignment is to help you achieve  Course Learning Outcomes 1-5.
    This assignment provides the opportunity to conduct a focused exam on a pediatric patient who presents with Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis. You will interview Sophia Haddad and her father, Omar, using therapeutic communication and obtain enough subjective data to determine the appropriate pharmacological therapy for her condition. After the patient exam, you will select the most appropriate medication for Ms. Haddad and educate her father on how to safely administer it and care for Sophia while she is sick. If applicable, you will write a prescription for the selected medication.
    What to Submit:
    Upon completion of the assignment, submit your completion certificate/lab pass that shows the DCE score to this assignment link..
    Shadow Health Grading
    All assignments will be graded using the DCE Score. Reopening and multiple attempts are allowed so the student can submit the best score for grading. Each student will submit the “lab pass” showing their DCE score to the designated assignment tab in Blackboard. Grading will be based on the DCE score received on the assignment that correlates with the points allocated in the table below. An incomplete assignment will result in the grade of zero. Faculty will monitor student engagement within the Shadow Health platform to ensure active participation to complete all the assignment requirements.
    DCE Score
    Below 79
    No submission
    Login page: “Shadow Health Access” link on left panel
    Assignment Due Date: Sunday of Week 6
    Shadow Health Technical Support
    If at any time you have any questions or encounter any technical issues regarding the Digital Clinical Experience, please contact the Shadow Health support specialists by visiting the Learner Support Page at for contact information and hours. You may email the Learner Support team directly at     [email protected] at any time or by calling 800.860.3241.
  • Unit Conclusion

    Unit Conclusion

    As we wrap up week 7 of Advanced Pharmacology, we covered a large amount of information in a common area of primary care, which is treating infectious diseases. I hope you continue to spend time on this material and gather additional resources to aid in your success. As you continue to put it all together, you will see that an accurate diagnosis or differential diagnosis is crucial to rational drug selection.
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