Moral Status: Case Analysis
Moral Status: Case Analysis
- The Christian view of the human persons nature and compatible moral status theory
The Christians view humans as the most superior and unique since they created according to God’s image. Additionally, God took time to create human beings unlike other creatures that were created through the word of mouth. Thus, Christians believe that human’s life is sacred and begins at conception. Therefore, all persons, including the fetus, have a full moral status due to their human nature. For this reason, Christians must protect the lives of all human beings, including fetuses, from any potential. This Christian view of humans is compatible with the moral status theory based on human properties. The moral status theory holds that only humans have moral status among other living creatures (Pardo, 2023). God considers human beings unique and superior creatures and created other things, including plants and animals, to benefit human beings. This moral status theory also holds that a person attains full moral status during conception (Pardo, 2023). Thus, the moral status theory and the Christian view consider the fetus a human person with intact cognitive functions entitled to full moral status due to human properties. This perception relates to the intrinsic human value and dignity acquired by possessing human properties. Therefore, no human beings should be discriminated against due to race, age, or socioeconomic status since being humans makes them important Moral Status: Case Analysis
- Applied theories
Parties involved in the case study use various theories to explain the fetus’s moral status. Jessica and Aunt Maria apply the moral status theory based on human properties. This theory holds that all human beings are entitled to full moral status irrespective of disability or age due to their human properties (Pardo, 2023). The full moral status of a human being starts from conception, irrespective of mental or physical deficiencies (Pardo, 2023). Maria perceives the fetus’s life as holy and should not be terminated. Additionally, Aunt Maria is a strong Christian who believes life starts at conception and no one has a right to take it away. Jessica and Maria believe the fetus is sacred and has a full moral status despite deficiencies. Auntie Maria claims the fetus is just like “God intends.” Furthermore, Jessica applies the relationship theory of moral status. This theory holds that the moral status of human beings depends on their relationship (Floris, 2021). Auntie Maria reminds her about her responsibility as a mother. Thus, she should protect the life of the innocent fetus. Moreover, Dr. Wilson bases his decision regarding the fetus’ moral status on the theory of cognitive properties. He states, “Abortion is the only medical alternative, given the quality of life such a child would have.” This theory states that humans acquire full moral status upon demonstrating memory, awareness, thinking, and understanding (Boyer, 2023). Thus, the fetus lacks moral status due to a lack of cognition capacity. Finally, Marco applies the theory of cognitive properties to justify the fetus’s moral status. He believes that the fetus lacks moral status due to potential physical and cognitive disabilities.
- Impact of each theory on the proposed recommendations for action
In this case, individuals’ recommendations are significantly influenced by moral status theories applied in decision-making. Jessica makes her recommendations based on the moral agency theory. In this theory, only the ability to act as a moral agent gives individuals full moral status (Johnson, 2021). Thus, the fetus lacks moral status since it cannot make morally significant decisions. As a result, Jessica recommends abortion since raising a disabled child would compromise her socioeconomic status and independence. Marco uses the theory of cognitive properties to justify abortion. He promises to stand with Jessica in her decision. However, he is against keeping the pregnancy, claiming that raising a disabled child would result in a huge economic burden, compromising their economic security and plans. Moreover, Dr. Wilson considers abortion as the best option in this case. He holds that the fetus does not have moral status due to cognitive properties, including awareness, thinking, memory, and understanding. Lastly, Auntie Maria’s recommendations apply the moral status theory based on human properties. Auntie Maria advises Jessica to protect the innocent life by carrying the pregnancy to full-term irrespective of overwhelming medical evidence of potential defects since its life is sacred and has a right to life just like other human beings.
- Supported theory and its influence the recommended action – Moral Status: Case Analysis
I support the moral status theory based on cognitive properties. This theory opposes the biological criteria justification for moral status. Conversely, it considers cognitive properties the best criteria for justifying moral status for human beings (Boyer, 2023). Individuals possess moral status upon demonstrating various cognitive functions. Therefore, the ability to communicate and reason, foundations of cognitive functions, are considered essential prerequisites for moral status. On the other hand, a lack of cognitive properties implies that an individual is not entitled to moral status. Consequently, the fetus is not entitled to moral status due to the absence of cognitive functionality capacity. Based on this argument, the fetus should be aborted to protect it from challenges associated with anticipated cognitive or physical disabilities since it is likely to be born with Down syndrome. Moreover, abortion would relieve the mother of the psychological and emotional torture that she would experience while carrying the pregnancy to full term. Lastly, abortion is the best option since it would not expose Jessica and Marco to the financial constraints that would compromise their plans and economic security.
- The integration of knowledge
Healthcare needs are changing rapidly. Therefore, healthcare providers should integrate medical skills and competence with knowledge from other disciplines to improve healthcare practices. For instance, healthcare professionals should combine their reproductive health knowledge and skills with evidence-based practices and modern technology to improve reproductive health. Studies show the effectiveness of assisted reproductive technologies in supporting conception among women experiencing difficulties in conceiving naturally (Graham et al., 2023). Most assisted reproductive technologies enhance sexual reproduction’s physical functionalities. The improved biological functioning capacity of the human reproductive system through medical procedures, such as intrauterine insemination. Thus, incorporating this technology into maternal healthcare practices will support conception, reducing infertility rates in the community. Additionally, incorporating current research and technology into maternal healthcare will prevent potential fetal defects and related health complications. Consequently, most fetuses will be viable and free from physical, mental, or cognitive deformities. Furthermore, existing knowledge and evidence will indicate potential adverse outcomes associated with reproductive technologies, such as low birth weight. Therefore, clinicians will consider the benefits and shortcomings of a particular reproductive technology based on current evidence before incorporating it into their practices, preventing potential negative fetal or maternal outcomes Moral Status: Case Analysis
Boyer, P. (2023). The naturalness of religious ideas: A cognitive theory of religion. Univ of California Press.
Floris, G. (2021). A pluralist account of the basis of moral status. Philosophical Studies, 178(6), 1859-1877.
Graham, M. E., Jelin, A., Hoon Jr, A. H., Wilms Floet, A. M., Levey, E., & Graham, E. M. (2023). Assisted reproductive technology: Short‐and long‐term outcomes. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 65(1), 38-49.
Johnson, L. S. M. (2021). Shifting the Moral Burden: Expanding Moral Status and Moral Agency. Health and Human Rights, 23(2), 63.
Pardo, R. (2023). The moral status of the embryo and its uses: Bioethics and social perceptions. In Clinical Ethics At the Crossroads of Genetic and Reproductive Technologies (pp. 155-204). Academic Press. Moral Status: Case Analysis
Moral Status: Case Analysis SAMPLE 2
Case Study: Fetal Abnormality
This case study presents four people who are faced with the possible decision of aborting a fetus that has an abnormality. The fetus has a 25% chance of having Down Syndrome and has not yet developed arms and there is a low probability that the fetus will develop any arms. The four people faced with decision making include Jessica, Dr. Wilson, Maria, and Marco. Marco is the father and he claims to support Jessica’s decision. Maria is the aunt and is advising Jessica is against the abortion based on her religious beliefs while Dr. Wilson supports fetal abortion. Accordingly, this paper will present various theories that each individual utilizes to determine the moral status of the fetus.
Dr. Wilson moral standing is for pro-abortion and based on his medical knowledge he is supporting abortion on the fetus. He explained to the family regarding the available options, but depicts the highest support for abortion owing to his medical knowledge regarding the possible deformities the child will have and the burden the child will bestow on the family. Dr. Wilson is using the theory of cognitive properties. According to this theory, for a person to have a moral status, an individual should have the ability to show a level of awareness and reasonableness, not possessed by the other party (Buckner, 2015). Accordingly, the moral status of Dr. Wilson is subjective of scientism where he applies science and medical knowledge. In addition, under this theory, the fetus does not have any moral status because it does not have awareness and rationality and hence aborting the fetus is acceptable.
On the other hand, Maria seems to be strongly opposed to abortion. According to her, the basis of the moral status of the fetus is on the responsibility of Jessica as a mother. Therefore, the applicable theory regarding Maria’s view of the fetal moral status is on the theory based on relationships. According to this theory, an individual should not impede with another individual and should respect the rights of other individuals due to the relationship they have between them (Baumeister, 2017) Moral Status: Case Analysis. For instance, the relationship between parents and their children makes it morally wrong for parents to kill their children. Jessica has a relationship with the fetus being the mother, as well as the relationship with God; these relationships bestow the fetus a moral status and hence aborting it is wrong. Another relevant theory is the theory of moral agency. This theory is also evident where Maria is prompting Jessica to be a moral agent and integrate relationship properties by not terminating her pregnancy because abortion is wrong (Baumeister, 2017). Additionally, the divine command theory is also applicable in Maria’s point of view. This theory is based on the supremacy of God the creator, and him alone having the ability to make moral decisions (Fadda et al, 2016). This is evident where Maria tries to put forth faith and religion and beg Jessica not to terminate the pregnancy and allow God’s plan to pass through.
Moral agency theory is applicable to Jessica. Being the mother, Jessica appears conflicted due to the financial burden the child poses, as well as her religious beliefs that are against abortion. Additionally, Jessica will make a decision regarding the moral status of the child. In this case, Jessica is acting as a moral agent, and hence moral agency theory is applicable in her case. Jessica seems to feel that abortion is wrong in spite of the financial burden that the child will pose. As per the moral agency theory, the moral status of a being is defined by the ability to differential between right and wrong (Baumeister, 2017). Therefore, Jessica is conflicted regarding what is the right decision to do. Jessica is also the mother to the fetus and hence there is a relationship, and this makes moral agency theory based on relationship applicable.
Moreover, theory based on relationship is also applicable to Marco. This is because Marco feels that due to his relationship with Jessica, he should support any decision Jessica makes. His decision to support Jessica’s decision whether to keep the pregnancy or terminate the pregnancy is solely based on her relationship with her.
I agree with the theory of moral agency. This is because I believe that the basis of every person’s ability to make moral decisions should be on what is right and wrong. I am thus a moral agent who can differentiate between right and wrong and hence I have the moral duty not to cause unwarranted harm to the unborn child (Nilsen, 2015). Accordingly, the decision would be for Jessica to continue with the pregnancy because abortion is morally wrong. Terminating the pregnancy would be killing the unborn child, which is morally wrong. Therefore, moral agency theory would support Jessica to continue with the pregnancy.
The paper has presented theories that influenced various individuals regarding their suggestions in determining the moral status of the fetus. Dr. Wilson utilized the theory of cognitive properties because he used his knowledge on science to make his moral standing. Moral Status: Case Analysis Maria and Marco utilized theory based on relationships in order to make their moral standings because their decisions are due to their relationship with Jessica as well as the fact that Maria fees that Jessica is the mother to the child and hence she should not kill the child through abortion. Jessica’s moral standing is based on the theory of moral agency because she feels it is morally wrong to kill her unborn child through abortion. Personally, I agree with the theory of moral agency because I believe it is wrong to kill an unborn child through abortion because every individual has the right to live regardless of disabilities.
Baumeister D. (2017). Social Conceptions of Moral Agency in Hegel and Sellars. International Journal of Philosophical Studies . 25(2), pp: 249-265.
Buckner C. (2015). A property cluster theory of cognition. Philosophical Psychology Journal. 28(3), 307-336. Moral Status: Case Analysis
Fadda R, Parisi M, Luca F, Saba G, Maria F et al. (2016). Exploring the Role of Theory of Mind in Moral Judgment: The Case of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Front Psychol. 7(523).
Nilsen P. (2015). Making sense of implementation theories, models and frameworks. Implement Sci. 10(53).
Panda B & Leepsa N. (2017). Agency theory: Review of Theory and Evidence on Problems and Perspectives. Indian Journal of Corporate Governance. 1(1). Moral Status: Case Analysis