N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing

N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing


  1. Write your evaluation as a Word document per APA format.  Use full sentences, with paragraph breaks, to describe each point.  Double space all writing; number pages.
  2. Use the Level 1 headings provided in the outline below. Level 2 headings can be used, but are optional, not required.  Please see the APA Manual for how to format those.
  3. Provide rationales for your decisions (citing sources). For example, if you write that the theory framework is strong, describe how it is strong with at least one citation (Author, year) to a theory book, research book,  or article. N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing.
  4. It is acceptable to refer to page numbers from the article being critiqued without giving a full citation. For example, you could write, “On page 996 the authors list the statistical tests used to analyze the data.”  We can assume you are referring to the assigned research article that you are evaluating.
  5. Title page and reference list should be on separate pages from the body of the critique. Use the Page Breakcommand in Word to separate them.
  6. The template for the title page is at the endof the Critique 1 outline.


Legal & Ethical Issues

  1. Briefly discuss institutional review board approval for the study.
  2. Explain how ethical principles of research (beneficence, justice, & respect for human dignity) were followed to protect subjects’ rights (freedom from harm, privacy, autonomy, & disclosure), if that was explained or implied. N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing
  3. If the study included subjects from a vulnerable population, describe any additional safeguards used to protect them. (10 pts)

Measurement Tools

Fill out the table below for the major variables in the study (NOT demographic variables).  You can add rows as needed, depending on how many measurement tools were used.  Boxes can be expanded for more content.  (20 pts)

Name of Tool

(Author, year)

Level of 













Data Collection

  1. Describe data collection procedures described in the study, and how clear and complete they were.
  2. If more than one data collector was used for the study, describe the training of the data collectors, and how/whether interrater reliability was adequately assessed?

(10 pts)

Writing Style & Format

  1. Grammar: full sentences, precision, clarity, spelling, and punctuation.
  2. Use APA format throughout this paper, including citations and a reference list. N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing
  3. Up to 0.5 points will be deducted for each grammar, punctuation, or format error. (10 pts)


Grade Sheet for Critique 3

CONTENT Possible Points Your Points
Legal & Ethical Issues


Measurement Tools


Data Collection


Writing Style & Format


TOTAL 50/50 X 25% = 25   /50 X 25% =


Student Name:


Research Article Critique 3



Legal & Ethical Issues

  1. Briefly discuss institutional review board approval for the study.


  1. Explain how ethical principles of research (beneficence, justice, & respect for human dignity) were followed to protect subjects’ rights (freedom from harm, privacy, autonomy, & disclosure), if that was explained or implied.



  1. If the study included subjects from a vulnerable population, describe any additional safeguards used to protect them.


Measurement Tools

Fill out the table below for the major variables in the study (NOT demographic variables).  You can add rows as needed, depending on how many measurement tools were used.  Boxes can be expanded for more content.

Name of Tool

(Author, year)

Level of













Data Collection

  1. Describe data collection procedures described in the study, and how clear and complete they were. N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing.


  1. If more than one data collector was used for the study, describe the training of the data collectors, and how/whether interrater reliability was adequately assessed? N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing


Reference List



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