Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health transcript
Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health transcript
Hello. I am xx, I will interview you and later perform a physical exam
Greet |
What is your relationship with the child? (Clarified to What is your relationship to the patient?.)
Question |
I’m Dustin Caputo, Noah’s uncle. I’m also his godfather, which is pretty cool, right? Yeah, super cool. (Clarified to what my relationship is to the patient.)
Yeah Uncle Dustin gets to take care of me if something bad happens to mom and dad. I don’t want anything bad to happen to my mom and dad, but I love Uncle Dustin and I’m happy he’s here.
What brings you here today?
Question |
Noah and I are here today because he’s got some kind of rash. I noticed it yesterday when I went over to babysit and I had no clue what it was. Totally freaked myself out looking up skin conditions online. I got the first appointment I could, since his parents are out of town and seemingly incapable of noticing that their own child has a rash, but hey. Uncle Dustin is here Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health transcript .
Uncle Dustin said I needed to go to the doctor ’cause I have a rash. It’s itchy.
Am sorry about that
Empathize |
I’m alright, but thanks.
Is the rash itchy?
Question |
Seems like the rash is always itchy, huh, Noah? You’ve been scratching this whole weekend.
Yeah, it’s itchy like all the time, Uncle Dustin.
Where is the rash located?
Question |
You want to say where it is, Noah? It’s okay.
It’s on my legs and feet.
What do you think caused the rash? (Clarified to Do you think you have allergies?.)
Question |
I don’t know. But this rash is itchy.
What relieves the rash?
Question |
Well, we did try a cold compress last night, and I think that helped with the itching for a little while. I just ran some washcloths under cold water.
It helped my itching feel better some.
What makes the rash worse?
Question |
Noah, didn’t you say it was itchier yesterday, after you took a shower?
Oh yeah! I was really itchy after my shower. Way more itchy. So I scratched and scratched, but I just got itchier!
Any recent exposure to irritants? (No matching questions found.)
Question |
Have you had recent bug bites (Clarified to Have you recently been bitten by an insect?.)
Question |
I don’t know. I play in the woods a lot, so maybe.
Any recent illness? (No matching questions found.)
Question |
Have you been sick recently? (Clarified to Have you been around anyone sick?.)
Question |
Nope, I don’t think so.
Do you feel any pain?
Question |
No pain. The rash is just itchy.
Are you using any medications?
Question |
He’s not on any medications as far as I know.
Yuck, no.
Have you been exposed to chemicals? (Clarified to Have you been around mold?.)
Question |
I didn’t see any . . . (Clarified to if I have been around mold.)
Yeah, I don’t think we have that at home.
Do you have a pet?
Question |
With the amount my brother and his wife work, you would know the last thing they need is a pet. The house is already messy enough as it is.
We don’t have a dog but I get to play with Cinco a lot next door.
Are you using any vitamins or supplements?
Question |
Oh, I really doubt it. Noah? [AUDIO COMING SOON]
I don’t take any vitamins or nothing. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Do you have a rash any where else? (Clarified to Do you have any other rashes?.)
Question |
He has the current rash, not sure about other rashes. (Clarified to if I have other rashes.)
This is it.
What is your diet like? Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health transcript
Question |
Sometimes I miss the bus but if it’s on time, I get breakfast at school and it’s eggs or pancakes or cereal. I get school lunch, too. I like the baked spaghetti days and the sloppy joe days. Sometimes they do ribs and it’s too chewy . . . I mostly make dinner at home, like soup or a box of macaroni and cheese. Sometimes I mess it up, though. On the weekend, I just look for whatever’s in the pantry. I’m good at instant mashed potatoes.
Your diet should also include fruits and vegetables
Educate |
Any medication allergies?
Question |
My mom and dad never said I was allergic to anything. They said I was fine Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health transcript .
Any food allergies?
Question |
I can eat anything. I like box macaroni and cheese the most.
Assessed general appearance: Odor is not detected.
Exam Action |
Inspect head Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health transcript
Exam Action |
Inspected Arms: Top: Dirt is visible under his nails.
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Inspected Front Torso
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Inspected Arms: Top: Dirt is visible under his nails.
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Palpated Rash: Rash is non-tender, raised and flat, and warm.
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When did the rash begin?
Question |
I felt itchy last weekend. It’s been itchy all the time.
How long have you had the rash?
Question |
I started feeling all itchy last weekend.
Do you wear clean clothes?
Question |
Ugh, well I couldn’t find him a clean shirt to wear today, so I gave him one of mine to wear.
It’s just because my parents work really hard. I don’t mind wearing the same clothes all the time if they’re busy working to take care of us.
Assessed general appearance: Odor is not detected.
Exam Action |
You will now contact Child Protectice Services (CPS). You will not be automatically scored on your choices or responses in this activity, but your instructor may choose to review your responses.
Exam Action |
Healthcare providers have a legal and ethical obligation to report any suspected abuse or neglect of a minor. Every state and country has different protocols for reporting. This activity is intended to simulate the type of questioning and procedures you are likely to encounter.
Exam Action |
According to the U.S. Federal Child Abuse and Prevention Treatment Act (CAPTA), the definition of abuse and neglect is, at minimum, any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation, or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm, (Childrens Bureau: An Office of the Administration of Children and Families, 2013). However, it is up to individual states or regions to provide their own definitions of abuse and neglect.
Exam Action |
As a mandatory reporter, your job is to convey relevant evidence that you have collected during the patient exam. Maintaining detailed records of your patient visits is your professional duty, and they may be used as evidence in further investigations. However, it is not within your scope of practice to provide judgment calls or investigate the case. The burden of proof lies with CPS.
Exam Action |
In your own words, convey to Child Protective Services (CPS) the evidence you have collected. There may be times when you are unable to answer specific questions, and it is appropriate to acknowledge this. Communicate evidence, not speculation.
Exam Action |
I am ready to begin the conversation with CPS.
Question |
In your own words, state your reason for the call and provide your name, role, practice, location, and a contact phone number. Then, click Submit to continue.
Exam Action |
My name is xxx, I would like to report a suspected case of child neglect in one of our patients who was brought in by his uncle. The child reports that his parents are hardly at home due to work and is left at home to care for himself.
Question |
You have informed CPS that you are calling to report the suspected neglect of Noah Caputo, male, age 7. You have provided CPS with your name and contact information, as well as the names and contact information, including addresses and phone numbers, for Noahs parents, Leo and Kylie Caputo, and his uncle, Dustin Caputo. Providing CPS with the names and contact information does not violate HIPAA laws as you are a mandatory reporter Noah Caputo school age sick visit dermatology shadow health transcript .