Professionalism and Social Media Essay

Professionalism and Social Media Essay

Professionalism and Social Media

Social media plays crucial roles in the personal and professional lives of nurses. Numerous social media platforms are available for nurses, including blogs and social networking sites. Social media can facilitate professional networking by enabling nurses to connect with colleagues. However, social media poses potential risks to nurses and patients regarding violation of professional-personal boundaries, violations of patient confidentiality, harm to professional image and legal or licensing issues.   The paper identifies social media items that would be regarded as unprofessional and possibly detrimental to a nurse’s career and that adversely impact the reputation of the nursing profession.


Posts that may be considered inappropriate

After reviewing my posts, I have noticed that I have made several posts on Facebook that may be regarded as inappropriate. In one post, I  complained about how I had a hard day at work and how I was made to working beyond my working hours and how exhausted  IN another post, I stated how I was annoyed by a drunkard who staggered in and peed on himself on the waiting area. Although I did not mention any names or post ant photos, the posts are inappropriate. Professionalism and Social Media Essay According to Weiss et al., (2019), nurses should not describe patients in a criticizing way, even if they do not identify patients using names or photos.  It is inappropriate and unprofessional to publicly air discontentment with her or his employer or talks about problems at work that might make the employer susceptible to mockery or loss of image in the health care field or community (Cherry & Jacob, 2018).

Why nurses have a responsibility to uphold a standard of conduct

Nurses have the responsibility of upholding standards of conduct consistent with the standards governing the profession of nursing in their personal lives and at work to safeguard the reputation of the nursing profession and their careers.  According to Ventola (2014), when nurses post unprofessional content on social media, it can reflect adversely on them or their organizations.   The activities of nurses on social media sites are regarded as public activities. Thus, the content that nurses post directly reflects the whole professionalism of nurses and are capable of influencing the opinions that the public has on nurses as well.

Inappropriate behavior might damage the professional image of nurses as well as a health care setting’s reputation. Furthermore, a nurse might face adverse consequences such as fines, job termination, or permanent or temporary revocation of license (Selekman et al., 2019).  Several social media behaviors can be interpreted as unprofessional Professionalism and Social Media Essay. For example, infringement of patient confidentiality, use of biased or profanity language, images of intoxication or sexual suggestiveness along with disparaging comments about an employer or patients (Ventola, 2014).

Personal confidentiality can violate HIPPA or considered unethical or unprofessional if it breaches patient privacy or confidentiality.   The disclosure of confidential health data, either intentional or unintentional, is a breach of HIPPA guidelines. According to Hao and Gao (2017), infringement of patient’s privacy and confidentiality when utilizing social media can be either unintentional or intentional and can occur in numerous diverse manners. A nurse might breach the privacy of a patient by the information that they post on social media sites, for instance, photos or videos of clients with no any valid approval even if there is no any information identifying them,   comments about patients in demeaning or degrading manners and exposure of too many details of patients that makes them be easily identified such as their room numbers and their treatments or medical conditions Professionalism and Social Media Essay.

Social media activity that reflects Christian values

Keeping the information of all my patients, regardless of their age, medical condition, nationality ethnicity are areas of y social media activity that reflect Christian values connected with respect for human value and dignity for all individuals.  As a professional nurse, I am committed to preserving the value and dignity of my patients and I understand that I am ethically bound to offer compassionate care by respecting the innate worth and dignity of all people. As indicated by Hao and GAO (2017), the privacy of patients involves their expectation and rights that they are treated in a dignified way. When patients’ privacy is breached, even unintentionally, it can make patients have the feeling that they have lost dignity and their therapeutic relationship with nurses has been damaged.

The areas of my asocial media activity that could be improved include engaging in conversations with my patients on my social media sites and accepting friend requests from my current and past patients. I will avoid accepting a social media friend request from patients, and if any patient sends me a friend request, I will redirect them to a means of communication that is more secure or connect them to a professional social networking page like LinkedIn. Patients can become fans or friends of this page, which offers only information that is pertinent to the professional nursing practice. Professionalism and Social Media Essay According to Chism (2019), health care professionals need to observe professional boundaries when using social media. Similar to face to face interactions, it is the responsibility of the nurse to establish, talk about and implement professional boundaries with clients within an online environment.  Nurses should be cautious when initiating conversations with their clients or former clients or their families.  It might be sensible to keep away from having contact with patients.


Cherry, B., & Jacob, S. (2018). Contemporary Nursing E-Book: Issues, Trends, & Management.  St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Chism, L.  (2019). The Doctor of Nursing Practice: A Guidebook for Role Development and Professional Issues. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Hao, J., & Gao, B. (2017). Advantages and Disadvantages for Nurses of Using Social Media. Journal of Primary Health Care and General Practice, 1(1), 1-4.

Selekman, J.,  Shannon, R., & Yonkaitis, C. (2019).  School Nursing: A Comprehensive Text.  Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.

Ventola, C. (2014).  Social Media and Health Care Professionals: Benefits, Risks, and Best Practice.  Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 39(7), 491-499 Professionalism and Social Media Essay.

Weiss, S., Tappen, R., & Grimley, K. (2019).  Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management. Philadelphia, PA:  F. A. Davis.



Social media plays a significant role in the lives of nurses in both their professional and personal lives. Additionally, social media is now considered a mainstream part of the process for recruiting and hiring candidates. Inappropriate or unethical conduct on social media can create legal problems for nurses as well as the field of nursing.
Login to all social media sites in which you engage. Review your profile, pictures and posts. Based on the professional standards of nursing, identify items that would be considered unprofessional and potentially detrimental to your career and that negatively impact the reputation of the nursing field. Professionalism and Social Media Essay
In 500-750 words, summarize the findings of your review. Include the following:
Describe the posts or conversations in which you have engaged that might be considered inappropriate based on the professional standards of nursing.
Discuss why nurses have a responsibility to uphold a standard of conduct consistent with the standards governing the profession of nursing at work and in their personal lives. Include discussion of how personal conduct can violate HIPAA or be considered unethical or unprofessional. Provide an example of each to support your answer.
Based on the analysis of your social media, discuss what areas of your social media activity reflect Christian values as they relate to respecting human value and dignity for all individuals. Describe areas of your social media activity that could be improved.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
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