Value-based healthcare Essay – NUR-514 Topic 1 DQ 1

Value-based healthcare Essay – NUR-514 Topic 1 DQ 1
Topic 1 DQ 1

Consider the evolution of the U.S. health care system. Discuss how the shift to value-based health care has impacted delivery of care and the role and responsibilities of the advanced registered nurse. Project what major evolving trends in the health care delivery system will affect nursing practice and how advanced registered nurses will influence the direction of health care.

Value-based healthcare Essay – NUR-514 Topic 1 DQ 1 sample 1

Healthcare is ever changing and sometime not for the better. The changes along with value base care over the last few years, the health care industry has experienced many changes, to say the least of which is the change from volume base care to value base care.  With the volume base care or fee for service care, the health care provider received a single payment for all the services provided to a patient during a specific period, without regard to the number of times that patient may need care. According to article in Nurse Leader (Huffman, 2021), value-based care is here to stay, and nursing must be the catalyst for change. Nurse leaders will be the future of the healthcare landscape because they will be equipped with new skills and knowledge of CMS pay. Concerning volume base care is that the focus on improving the quality of the care being provided is not a priority. The focus is more on keeping costs low and profits high. Value based has also been referred to as accountable care, seeming to indicate that the health care provider is accountable to their patient for the provision of quality of health care. With value-based care, patients, providers and the whole of society can reap the benefits. Patients receive better health outcomes to lower cost, providers have higher patient satisfaction rates and care efficiencies and the whole of society experiences better health while reducing spending according to NEJM Catalyst in their 2017 article, “What is Value-Based Healthcare?” Value-based care has impacted nurses’ work environments in a positive way as nursed may find they are being assigned fewer patients each shift (Brooks, 2020) Value-based healthcare Essay – NUR-514 Topic 1 DQ 1.


With the use of the Advanced Practice Nurses the increase of patient’s knowledge and understanding of disease and prevention better prepares the patient to manage and improve their health, health outcomes, and decrease the risky health behaviors (Bergh et al., 2015). I have noticed that in my facility we have nurse educators or nurse navigators that are available for patients that are having certain procedures or health comorbidities. I am a nurse navigator for an orthopedic facility, and I see that patients that receive education understanding what is going to happen prior, during and after surgery helps them to be prepared and the knowledge of how to care for themselves. I see that this helps with the decrease in patients having to stay in the hospital and re-admissions to the hospital because they know what to expect.


Bergh, A., Friberg, F., Persson, E., & Dahlborg-Lyckhage, E. (2015). Registered nurses’ patient education in everyday primary care practice. Global Qualitative Nursing Research2, 233339361559916.

Brooks, A. (2020, February 10). What impact does value-based care have on nurses? Rasmussen University. Retrieved April 1, 2023, from

Huffman, M. (2021). Value-based care. Nurse Leader19(1), 82-86.

NEJM Catalyst. (2017, January 1). What is value-based healthcare? NEJM Catalyst – Practical Innovations in Health Care Delivery. Retrieved April 1, 2023, from

Value-based healthcare Essay – NUR-514 Topic 1 DQ 1 sample 2

Value-based healthcare first appeared in 1967 and was developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (DeCoudres, 2022). Since then, there have been many changes and redefinition of what value-based healthcare is. It is currently defined as the measurement of improvement in a patient’s outcome for the cost of that improvement (Teisberg et al., 2019). When an organization is delivering value-based healthcare it is important to remember that the value is defined by the patients, and it starts with understanding the patients population and the needs that plague that population. This in turn is aligned with patient-centered care. The shift from volume-based to value-based has had a significant impact on the care provided to patients because it focuses on the quality of care and the outcomes. In article of redefining health they sum up value-based in the best way “the concept of value-based healthcare aligns with patient-centered care that tries to humanize people rather than to look at healthcare as a business” (Putera, 2017) .

With 2023 marking three years post pandemic the healthcare trends that are emerging this year are the use of telehealth medicine for chronic management, increasing cost, staffing shortages, and the ending of COVID public health emergency (which is set to end in the summer) (Mensik, 2023). All of these trends will affect nursing practice in various ways from learning and implementing new technologies to assist with telehealth medicine, to implementing new resources to cover cost, and continued meetings with management to discuss better working practices to combat the staff shortages that are being seen across the country Value-based healthcare Essay – NUR-514 Topic 1 DQ 1. While these trends are not new they are at the forefront of discussion for this year and will continue to be until change has been made. Advanced registered nurses can influence this change by becoming leaders in the nursing community and their organizations, doing research on the best practices and quality of care, and becoming involved in public health.


DeCoudres, N. (2022, December 14). What is the history of value-based care? Arcadia. from

Mensik, H. (2023, February 8). Top healthcare trends of 2023. Healthcare Dive.

Putera, I. (2017). Redefining health: Implication for value-based healthcare reform. Cureus, 1–11.

Teisberg, E., Wallace, S., & O’Hara, S. (2019). Defining and implementing value-based health care. Academic Medicine95(5), 682–685. Value-based healthcare Essay – NUR-514 Topic 1 DQ 1.

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