What Is Middle Range Nursing Theory?

As a student in the field of nursing, you might be tasked with various concepts to research. Among these is the middle-range nursing theory. This article will equip you with the best content you need to capture about the middle-range nursing theory. However, how can you define a nursing theory? Read on for more ideas.

What is a nursing theory?

Before you define middle-range theory in nursing, it would be vital for you to know what a nursing theory is. A thorough and creative organization of concepts with the aim of profound comprehension of an incident is termed nursing theory. Nursing care theories, mid-range theories of nursing, and grand theories of nursing are examples of nursing theories.

Middle-range nursing theories are more narrowly focused than grand theories in nursing, and they also provide a useful link between professional nursing and grand theories in nursing. As a result, middle-range theories include concepts and propositions, as well as nursing practices and a growing theory-based perspective. The middle-range theory nursing definition is expounded below :

What is a middle-range nursing theory?

The middle range nursing theory is a sub-discipline of nursing that emphasizes the discipline’s prospective knowledge by broadening phenomena associated with patient health care.

The middle range theory of nursing is carefully defined using the abstraction ladder, which asserts that as we move down the ranks, the level of abstraction falls while the conciseness increases (empirical level), and vice versa as we move up the ladder (philosophical level).

The middle range theory in nursing practice is the empirical level’s sub-discipline.

This theory of nursing provides a solid foundation for dealing with difficult situations. It is a more narrowly defined phenomenon. It contains less abstraction and more empirical testing, as well as more concrete phenomena. Descriptions, predictions, and explanations are presented in the middle range nursing theory to answer questions that are not addressed in other nursing theories.

This theory gives students viewpoints that prepare them to deal with difficult and emergency circumstances, as well as nursing solutions. This idea is more useful in nursing scenarios where justifications and implementations are required.

Who developed the middle-range nursing theories?

Roberts and Roy are the proponents of the middle-range nursing theory. Their groundbreaking work set the foundation for the development of several other mid-range theories in nursing. The model of nursing cognitive processing focuses on the core cognitive arousal processes and attentiveness, sensations and coding, perception and idea development, memory, planning, language, as well as motor responses.

The paradigm suggests that neurological and neurochemical functions are required for basic cognitive processes that occur within the sphere of awareness. The concept goes on to say that cognitive functions are geared toward coping with the focused stimulation of the current sensory experience, while also taking into account contextual and lingering cues from an individual’s experience and education.

Categories of middle-range nursing theories

Middle-range nursing theories are divided into three categories:

Middle-range descriptive theory

The most basic type of descriptive theory is the middle-range descriptive theory. It locates commonalities among individuals, groups, situations or events. Typology or taxonomy are terms used to describe the middle-range descriptive theory. They are developed and tested using descriptive research techniques, which might be qualitative or quantitative in nature.

Peplau’s interpersonal relations theory

Peplau’s interpersonal relations theory is a nice example of the middle-range descriptive theory. The middle-range explanatory ideas are the second category. They look for connections between concepts. The degree to which one thought is tied to another is explained by middle-range explanatory theory.

Correlation research

Correlation research, which is often quantifiable in nature, is used to establish and test them. Watson’s notion of human compassion and attachment is a good illustration of this philosophy. Predictive theories are the third category of middle-range nursing theories. It addresses the changes that take place in a phenomenon.

These theories are formulated and experimented with through experiments. It is a quantitative research design and a great example of the theory is the deliberative process of nursing by Orlando.

What are the characteristics of the middle-range nursing theories

Conceptual models, meta-theories tiny theories, and middle-range are several types of nursing science theories. Each phase of theory comprises distinct qualities that distinguish it from the others. In the 1960s, the discipline of sociology saw a requirement for the middle-range nursing theory.

It has been utilized to bridge the gap that links nursing science ideas and practice in nursing science. The creation of mid-range theories became very prevalent on the international scale, notably in the 1990s.

Middle-range nursing theories are more constrained in character than meta-theories or conceptual models, and they may be descriptive or predictive. They also have fewer concepts and are located somewhere between practical/practical theories and conceptualizations. Among the characteristics of middle-range theory nursing are the inductive and deductive phases. A deductive or inductive technique can be used to build a mid-range theory and unlike meta-theories or conceptualizations, it could be empirically validated into a form that is measurable. The two phases are as elaborated below:

The inductive phase

The first stage of theory formation was idea formulation, and conceptions were generated through concept synthesis. The goal was to use an inductive technique to observe the concept in a disciplined and systematic way. Since the fundamental ideas ( environment and well-being) are abstract, an inductive technique was selected. Furthermore, there is very little existing research on the environment that promotes wellness in the setting of aging, and also the idea of the surrounding has generally been defined based on results by investigators and theoreticians in domains apart from nursing science.

Synthesis of concepts utilizes the qualitative approach, with data used in the interview as the basis. Concept synthesis was employed after the transcription of the interview material to create concepts depending on the information acquired from individual observed data by organizing and grouping information about the phenomena. The goal was to find out what characteristics of the physical surroundings contribute to happiness.

The goal of idea synthesis was to create models that represented the event under investigation in a concentrated manner by generating concepts that described it. Based on the study’s goals, the analysis began with the selection of a tool for data collection a word, a phrase, a larger semantic unit, or a letter.

The deductive phase

Assumptions for testing the idea (theory) are set and tested in the deductive stage. The physical surroundings hypothesis was as follows:  the frameworks of the primary notions linked to the natural setting can be indicated:

  1. The northern environment
  2. The enjoyable physical environment
  3. The environment which allows safe activity

There should be equipment that could be utilized to assess the concepts offered as hypotheses to enable hypotheses to be verified. The notions of the competing hypotheses were operationally defined in such circumstances.

Following the definition of a concept, its links with other ideas were studied by constructing statements. A total of 100 phrases were used to link the concepts together. The statements are placed in a certain order (five-point scale).

Practical application of the middle-range nursing theory

The application of a theory in practice is a widely utilized criterion in assessing a practiced theory. A theory established in the way of middle-range nursing theories could be utilized in the nursing curriculum and also as an instrument for nursing staff to think about.

The ideas can be applied to defining and analyzing an environment t which promotes geriatric well-being. The theory’s implications include directing practical activity and research, generating new ideas, and distinguishing nursing’s primary focus of concern from other fields.

A mid-range theory that can be applied to other disciplines is the notion of an environment that supports the well-being of senior persons. In such circumstances, the theory’s concepts serve as a guide for additional research of many kinds. Further research could look into how the various settings wherein the aged live contribute to overall well-being. The concept can then be utilized as a guide in actual professional nursing or for creating multiple recommendations to help it develop.

Correlation analysis was used to examine the theory’s reliability and validity, which revealed that it was pretty sound. In all of the models evaluated, the quantitative values and the indicators of significance to the information compiled as a consequence of the study are satisfactory. Factor analysis was considered to be a viable technique for evaluating the theory, and indices acquired in the study verified the researcher’s hypothetical models formed via qualitative analysis.

The middle range nursing theory’s reliability

Convergent validity and discriminant validity analysis was used to assess the theory’s reliability and validity. It revealed that it was both credible and accurate. In all models evaluated, the quantitative values and the indicators of usefulness towards the data supplied as a consequence of the study are satisfactory.

Factor analysis was considered to be an effective technique for evaluating the theory, and the scores acquired in the study verified the scientist’s hypothetical models created via qualitative analysis.

What is the importance of middle-range nursing theory?

Theories of nursing provide the principles which underpin a new student’s practices and help in generating knowledge in nursing. Middle-range theory of nursing is vital for nursing students since it gives them a middle view of reality and more precisely generalized areas of practice for nurses. It also gives nurses concrete ideas that are limited and of use to them. The qualities of the arguments are clearly articulated in middle-range nursing theory, allowing a better judgment to be made for the patient’s health care. 

The amount of validation provided by the middle-range nursing theory can be used to develop a hypothesis for the test. Since the grand nursing theory, as well as the theory of nursing practice, influenced the creation of middle-range nursing theory, this theory encompasses all literature reviews, clinical experience, and recommendations that nurses should follow.

A suitable instrument is required for a theory to be reliable. Pretesting is an important aspect of determining the indicator’s validity.

Meta-paradigm of nursing

The meta-paradigm of nursing is a collection of large models that depict the evident connection between recent theoretical practices in nursing. Many nursing practices are currently being investigated in understanding the link between four meta-paradigm key aspects. The following are four key meta-paradigms in the nursing field:


 The people who receive nursing care; in this paradigm could be unwell person who is regarded as a topic in the treatment process. In between an individual and his surroundings, there is a constantly evolving process. Nursing care can be provided to an unwell person, entire families, or entire communities.


Health is described as an individual’s level of well-being. It is a dynamic process that an individual describes throughout his or her life. The nature of aesthetic, physical social, and moral boundaries are the key focuses on the subject’s health. Sickness or illness is described as the perspective of a person who has suffered from health-care-related dysfunctions.

The state of a person’s mental health incorporates interacting processes that occur between the person and their surroundings.


 Internal plus external elements that influence an individual’s level or degree of health are referred to as the environment. It focuses on the influence of geography and scenery on a person’s life.

The effect of physiological, psychological, economic, and social elements, as well as cultural, historical, and developmental factors that are common in the society where the individual lives, are all factors that may bring harm to the individual.


Nursing is the vocation responsible for providing healthcare services in hospitals. Nursing interventions provide care for sick patients. The nursing meta-four paradigm’s ideas make a coherent comprehensive knowledge of the occupation.

These four themes encapsulate the fundamental understanding of the theory of nursing, education, philosophy, experience, and research.

How will the middle-range nursing theory impact nursing practice?

The middle-range theory in nursing practice is very significant for nurses, and it can help them enhance their nursing practice.

This theory’s foci help nurses construct practical and conceptual ideas in a way of concepts that they may use to practice their vocation effectively.

The breadth of the medium-range nursing theory is, nevertheless, constrained; but the ideas and material that it contains are concrete, which aids in the advancement of patient care.

Examples of the middle-range nursing theories

The middle range theory for nursing is more focused on a single topic and provides more explicit linkages between the grand theories of nursing as well as the nursing practice. The middle-range nursing theories have less abstract concepts that can be verified through testing.

These ideas frequently attempt to explain, describe, or anticipate certain clinical phenomena. The middle-range nursing theory examples are as listed below:

  • Marie-Louise Friedemann’s framework for the systemic organization
  • Christina Sieloff’s organizational group power theory
  • Katharine Kolcaba’s comfort theory
  • Ramona Thieme Mercer’s maternal role achievement theory
  • Marion Conti O’hare’s wounded healer nurse
  • Dorothy Johnson’s behavioral system model -The AACN synergy model AACN behavioral systems model
  • June H Larrabee’s nursing care quality theory
  • Blanche Mikhail’s model of health belief
  • Theory of undesirable symptoms – Elizabeth R Lenz & Linda C Pugh
  • Rozzano C Locsin’s advancing technology, nursing, and caring
  • Middle-range nursing theory of acute pain management in adults
  • Merle Mishel’s theory of confusion in illness

The above listed are samples of the middle-range nursing theories. Middle range nursing theory acute pain management adults are expounded below:

Middle range nursing theory acute pain management adults

The acute pain theory of pain management is the normal reason for individuals to seek treatment. Pain management that is inadequate leads to a delay in the process of healing. It could also lead to longer hospital stays. The middle-range nursing theory of acute pain management in adults illustrates how nurses can manage pain with the least effects from pharmacological interventions and the utilization of alternative ways of managing pain.

The major factors in pain management are non-pharmacological, pharmacological, education, participation of the patient, and different interventions. To manage pain effectively, non-pharmacological interventions and the use of painkillers should be considered.

A comparison between middle-range nursing theory and grand-range nursing theory

There are various theories in the nursing field. People tend to focus more on getting the difference between grand theory and middle range theory in nursing. Nursing theoretical approaches are structured paradigms of ideas and objectives to direct nursing practice. Grand theories in nursing and middle-range theories in nursing are two sorts of theories in nursing. Grand theories in nursing cover all types of diversity and may be applied broadly, while middle-range nursing theories may be less conceptual and more focused.

Although these two theories have parallels and distinctions, both varieties of theories can be valuable in enhancing advanced practice in nursing. Grand nursing ideas are wide in scope and apply to a broader range of nursing issues, like health promotion for all members of society. Read on to get a detailed comparison between the grand nursing theory vs the middle-range nursing theory.

Grand theories in nursing

Grand theories in nursing, despite being wide and non-specific, have various consequences for developed practice in nursing. It is common knowledge how healthcare is growing highly complicated at an accelerating rate.

The critical nature of the grand theories can be beneficial for complicated phenomena pertinent to nursing, like population aging and complex illness states, due to continually increasing complexities. Grand theories help to illuminate the intricacies of these plus other issues that affect advanced clinical nursing in a globalized world.

Grand theories in nursing comprise existing theories that can provide wide insight beneficial for general nursing practice. Due to the obvious abstraction level, they are generally not empirically verified. Enlightening appraisal and thoughts are frequently used to build grand theories.

Middle-range nursing theories

Middle-range nursing theories, like grand theories in nursing, have significant repercussions for advanced nursing practice. The link between practice and research can be summarized as a middle-range nursing theory.

The scope of middle-range concepts is narrower, and they serve as a link between grand nursing theories and patient care. Hypothesis testing is easier with middle-range nursing theories since they are less concrete. Their ideas are also operationalized more easily.

Middle-range nursing theories are mostly an evolution of the grand theories, clinical practice, and literature reviews. This makes them more precise to the nursing practice.

Middle range nursing theories vs the grand range nursing theories

Each has a role in educating as well as guiding advanced practice in nursing. These theories might be descriptive, predictive, or explanatory. When opposed to grand theories in nursing practice, middle-range nursing theories contain more specificity, narrower scope, and are easier to apply concepts.

Both grand and middle-range nursing theories are collections of interconnected concepts that underlie advanced nursing practice thinking. There are, however, numerous distinctions between these two sorts of hypotheses.

These theories both play a significant role in educating and empowering advanced practice in nursing, despite their distinctions. Grand theoretical approaches in nursing expound on the nursing role and distinguish nurses from other health care practitioners, whilst the middle-range theories of nursing guide them through clinical decision-making.

The varying sorts of theories each have their own set of benefits in practice. These two forms of ideas complement one other, and each can help enhance the nursing practice and understanding

Mid-range holistic care theory application

Holistic care refers to a modern nursing technique that encompasses all aspects of a patient’s care, including mind, body, and spirit. Recognizing a person’s well-being and health is a good start. It is accomplished through offering a patient mental, physical, and spiritual medical services.

This significantly improves the patient’s and his/her family’s standard of living. This service is covered to promote healthy living by promoting a sustainable lifestyle and preventing and curing any sickness that a patient may be suffering from. Nursing entails assisting somebody through a tough situation. As a result, individuals desire professional counseling whenever they require assistance or are unable to deal with a circumstance on their own.

Holistic counseling in health, also known as Holism, is a counseling method that involves recognizing and assessing a condition as well as delivering healthcare that understands and provides answers to the patient’s well-being and general health. The model is normally regarded as morally superior, implying a differentiated perspective on the past biomedical usage of drugs in the treatment of diseases and disorders.

The bottom line

The middle-range nursing theory helps the respondents and nurses (who are medical professionals) recognize the specific contribution which should be provided to the care center and even the patients by providing a sense of identification. This article would therefore be of many benefits to you as an aspiring nurse or a professional nurse.

Providing enough knowledge and advice to nurses in accordance with the ideas put out by this theory would serve to strengthen the quality of their profession, as well as the patient’s health.

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