How to write a Nursing process Essay

Do you have a nursing process essay to write about but do not know where to start? Worry not. We understand that a nursing process essay might be challenging to write as it requires thorough research and technical knowledge, and the message must be well conveyed to the audience. This article provides a complete guide on how to write a nursing process essay.

Writing a nursing assessment process essay involves several basic steps. Each step is significant to the process. Before looking at the process, it is crucial to know what a nursing process essay is and other tips for writing a good nursing process essay.

What is a nursing process essay?

A nursing process essay is a piece of writing that explains the process of treating a patient from interviewing, diagnosis, treatment, and the healing process. A nursing process gives patient care focusing on the potential or actual alterations to health. It also involves planning and establishing what the patient needs and helping to deliver them by planning and implementing.

Importance of a nursing process

Nursing students need to learn about the nursing process. They should write an essay on the nursing process to understand the process. Your instructor can ask you to write a four or five-page essay on the nursing process.

  1. To determine the client’s overall health and any current or anticipated healthcare issues or needs (through assessment).
  2. To make preparations to address the needs that have been recognized.
  • To provide particular nursing interventions to achieve those requirements
  1. To use the most up-to-date evidence in caring and to benefit human functions and reactions to health and illness
  2. When the nursing process’ criteria are followed appropriately, nurses are protected from legal concerns relating to nursing care
  3. To assist the nurse in performing their duties in an organized and coordinated manner
  • To create a database containing information about the patient’s health state, medical issues, sickness response, and ability to manage healthcare needs

What is the value of a nursing process essay?

Many students ask themselves, what is the value of the nursing process in relation to the nursing profession essay? The answer is simple. The nursing process involves steps that must be included in the nursing profession essay. The nursing process is essential to ensure quality care and the preferred outcome.

Nursing process essay outline

  1. Introduction

As a healthcare provider, the nurse must address the patient’s overall needs, which must be done with care and caution because there is life at stake. Nursing is more concerned with a person’s psychological, spiritual, social, and physical well-being than their medical condition.

Solving challenges requires more than critical thinking. Critical thinking must be linked with scientific approaches to recognize patient problems and deliver appropriate care. The nursing process is the organization of review and performance.

  1. The nursing processes

The plan of a nursing process is a crucial tool for patients who are being admitted to the hospital. It is a systematic, client-centered approach that allows the nurse to detect client-care issues. The efficient application of the nursing process assists the nurse in determining not only current but also potential future difficulties.

Being able to anticipate difficulties may help the client avoid complications and pains. Evaluation, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation are the five interconnected steps of the process of nursing. Each of the five steps depends on the effectiveness of the ones before it.

Each phase of the nursing process requires collaboration between the nurse and the patient. Because health circumstances vary over time, the nursing practice is also a continual activity. The nurse must evaluate, implement, introduce new interventions, and revise the process regularly.

The nursing process has no set duration; it might last for days, months, or years, depending on the patient’s present state. Every step of the nursing process relies on accurate and comprehensive information about the patient.

The steps in the nursing processes essay

  1. Assessment

The nursing process starts when a patient and a nurse create a bond. This nurse-client interaction will assist and dictate a portion of the outcome. The method of assessment begins with gathering information about the patient. Data can be collected from several different sources. The client is the primary source of information on personal health and sickness views and feelings.

Data collection methods

  1. Interview about health

This is the most common method to gather important information about the patient. An interview is an intentional communication to obtain information about something. This section may include asking a patient about their medical history. It is at this stage that you develop a rapport with the patient.

  1. Physical examination

Apart from interviews, a nurse can conduct a physical examination. This may include obtaining the patient’s health history, the family’s history and observing them generally. A successful physical observation provides an accurate diagnosis, evaluation, planning, and better interventions.

  • Observation

This assessment tool uses the five senses (hearing, sight, touch, taste, and smell) to get information about a patient. This information is related to the appearance of the patient’s functioning, appearance, environment, and primary relationships.

Many characteristics can be observed through sight, but you can use hearing, detecting any smell, listening to lung sounds, and feeling the pulse rate. This happens mostly in the aspire nursing process essay.

Data validation

Data validation includes verifying data to ensure it is factual and accurate. This can be done by double-checking. It allows a nurse to do the following activities:

  1. Double-check, complete, and verify information
  2. Ensure that related subjective and objective data is accurate and valid
  • Ensure that the source of information has adequate support
  1. Clarify any vague statements and ambiguous information
  2. Acquire extra details that may have been forgotten
  3. Differentiate between inferences and cues

Data documentation

After collecting all the information, you should sort and record data. Good record-keeping is essential for accessibility to the entire healthcare team and cases of future reference. If you are writing a nursing essay on a nursing process slide share, be careful not to make some mistakes.

  1. Diagnosis

The diagnosis begins once the nurse has gathered and sorted the patient’s data. The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) maintains the official list of nursing diagnoses and treatments, which defines nursing diagnosis as “a clinical judgment focusing on applying medical skills that determine potential or actual experiences and responses to health problems and life processes.”

The nurse can determine real and future health concerns through nursing diagnosis. Existing needs will always take precedence over possible difficulties, not because they are unimportant, but because current needs must be addressed first to avert potential issues. The nurse evaluates data from the nursing assessment during the diagnostic stage.

These data assist the nurse in determining the patient’s capabilities and health issues. Data is processed, categorized, interpreted, and authenticated during this step. The nurse can manage the vast amount of data by classifying it. Organizing data into categories also aids the nurse in identifying data gaps that need to be addressed. The nurse uses interpreting to identify trends and patterns in the patients.

Validation allows the nurse to ensure that the data is accurate. Nursing diagnostic statements that are inappropriate for the patient might emerge from errors in the clinical diagnosis, such as faulty data interpretation, inadequate data, and a lack of knowledge or experience. The nurse can submit the findings to other health care professionals and collaborate with them to address the patient’s problem with the help of diagnosis. You should be aware of the distinction between nursing and medical assessment. Health assessment focuses more on curing than nursing diagnosis, identifying responses to health and illness.

  1. Planning

When nurses obtain patient data and determine the strengths and health issues, they can plan for action. The nurse might consult with a specialist to determine the best form of a care plan for a specific patient. During planning, the nurse must collaborate with the patient and family to prioritize nursing diagnoses.

Educating the patient and answering questions about their doubts is beneficial at this phase since it provides a clear picture of what the patient requires to achieve their goals. Prioritizing includes determining the patient’s goals and expected outcomes, identifying nursing actions that may assist the patient in achieving their objectives, and communicating the care plan.

Planning is done incorrectly if an outcome is nurse-focused rather than patient-centered. The treatment plan would be pointless if the patient were not committed to accomplishing specified goals and outcomes. The patient’s participation as an active participant in the treatment plan will aid in fulfilling the goals.

Validation may be compromised if the patient refuses to participate in the treatment plan. The patient, family, and caregiver must collaborate to make the goals valuable and lead to a worthwhile care plan. The initial evaluation occurs as soon as the patient is admitted, and it may vary numerous times depending on the patient’s new diagnosis and goals. The assessment done by nurses who work with the client throughout the admission is known as ongoing planning. Once a patient is discharged from the hospital, the care plan is known as discharge planning.

Types of planning

  • Initial planning
  • Ongoing planning
  • Discharge planning
  1. Implementation

After the nursing care plan has been prepared, the implementation phase begins. The effectiveness of the method of care is tested in this setting. The implementation goal is to help the patient achieve their desired health goals, including preventing disease and sickness, restoring health, and coping with changed functioning.

The nurse must assess the patient regularly to determine whether the interventions work. Working in conjunction with the patient and family is crucial when providing nursing care. Before taking any nursing activity, the nurse should reassess the patient to ensure that it is still necessary.

It is common for nursing actions to change due to health changes that may improve or deteriorate. After all, it is critical to confront the patient about their health state compassionately; the patient has the right to know what they are going through. This period is crucial for the patient and the nurse regarding documentation.

The nurse can assess and investigate the patient’s condition through documentation. In contrast, the patient can determine their progress and identify areas for improvement to meet goals. After completing the paperwork, the nurse should check with colleagues to determine if other techniques would be more effective.

Skills used in the implementation stage

  • Cognitive skills

These skills are also known as intellectual. The skills involve understanding and learning the basic nursing procedures and fundamental knowledge before caring for patients.

Cognitive ability also involves decision-making, clinical reasoning, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

  • Interpersonal skills

These skills involve behaving, believing, and relating to other people correctly. The effectiveness of a nursing process mainly depends on the nurse’s ability to communicate with the fellow health care team and the patients.

  • Technical skills

These include purposeful hand skills like administering injections, bandaging, lifting, moving, and repositioning clients. These activities need competence and safe performance.

  1. Evaluation

The continuing evaluation process begins after all, care transition acts are completed. The nurse determines if the goals/outcomes mentioned in the care plan have been met, partially met, or not met through evaluation in conjunction with the patient. This procedure, in which new modifications might be added, determines the effectiveness of care.

The nurse can determine whether to discontinue the plan or continue the plan of care if more time is needed to achieve goals based on the patient’s response to the care plans and achievements. The objective of the evaluation is to determine the overall progress of the patient and the quality of nursing care in assisting patients in achieving their intended outcomes/goals.

The patient’s health condition can be compared to the monitoring tools in the nursing plan of care, which can be done at the end of the nursing process. If the patient has made little or no progress toward the goals/outcomes outlined in the care plan, the nurse must revisit each prior stage.

If the patient achieves the goal, the care plan can be amended again without including further goals in the nursing plan. The nurse’s proper communication with the patient and solid detective skills throughout the procedure can lead to an effective assessment. Evaluation can provide feedback; this feedback is used to determine whether the nurse is a competent caregiver or what can be done differently next time to make her a better caregiver.

  1. Conclusion

When the nursing process is implemented correctly, it benefits both the patient and the nurse. From a nurse’s perspective, the clinical practice allows you to decide whether your nursing care benefits the client. The nursing process also aids the nurse in avoiding mistakes and inadequacies in the care plan.

The nurse can improve communication with other healthcare professionals and patients by employing the care plan. Conversely, the client is an active participant who understands involvement in their health state. As a result, the patient gains a sense of ownership.

When the nursing procedure is carried out correctly, it is effective and yields satisfactory results. This is why nurses are encouraged to utilize this procedure as frequently as feasible. It can be challenging to implement the nursing procedure for each patient effectively. Wards are often overly chaotic due to opposing patients or a lack of personnel, making it difficult for a nurse to focus on each patient individually.

Nurses are human, and as such, they are not flawless, despite their best efforts to meet the requirements of their patients. Even after all their hard work, nurses are rewarded with a fantastic sense of accomplishment when they witness how they contributed to making a positive difference in the lives of others.

Importance of writing a nursing process essay

  1. It helps in improving patient care and ensuring you get the expected results.
  2. It helps improve students’ critical thinking skills by recognizing a problem and finding a solution.
  3. The process helps in improving the condition of the patient
  4. It helps in identifying the health status of patients
  5. It allows nurses to be responsible and efficient

Characteristics of the process of nursing

  1. Patient-centered

The nursing process approach needs respectful care and response to the patient’s preferences, values, and needs. The nurse should keep the patient’s rights when making decisions concerning treatment.

  1. Interpersonal

The therapeutic process is founded on nursing, in which the nurse and patient respect each other, learning and growing as a result of interactions. It entails a collaborative effort between the nurse and the patient to achieve a common aim.

  1. Collaborative

The process must function effectively in interprofessional teams and nursing. It must also promote mutual respect, shared decision-making, and open communication to provide the best quality care to the patient.

  1. Cyclical and dynamic

The process is dynamic and cyclical as each phase interacts with the other and is influenced by the different stages.

  1. Must require critical thinking

The nurse involved in the nursing process must apply critical thinking skills to identify the issue and promote intervention for desirable outcomes.

Nursing process essay examples

We have covered almost all the basics of a nursing process essay. You can talk to us or visit our website if you need to read more nursing clinical essay examples. It is important to read many examples to understand the concept better.

If you want a free essay on the nursing process to read, you can also get it online. We provide a free five-page essay on the nursing process, among other pieces, to help students understand the nursing process.

To sum up

Writing a nursing process essay is not as simple as it may sound. It involves understanding all the processes involved in the nursing process, which many students lack the idea of writing. This article provides a complete guide on how to write a nursing process essay.

A process essay has seven sections: introduction, evaluation, diagnosis, planning, implementation, evaluation, and conclusion. Each stage has essential activities that take place.

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