Post a description of the healthcare organization website you reviewed. Describe where, if at all, EBP appears (e.g., the mission, vision, philosophy, and/or goals of the healthcare organization, or in other locations on the website). Then, explain whether this healthcare organization’s work is grounded in EBP and why or why not. Finally, explain whether the information you discovered on the healthcare organization’s website has changed your perception of the healthcare organization. Be specific and provide examples.


Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by visiting the websites they shared and offering additional examples of EBP or alternative views/interpretations to those shared in your colleagues’ posts.

    • Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters

      Evidence-based practice leads to high quality care and the best patient outcomes (Melnyk and Overholt, 2018). An organization that represents an evidence-based model is the Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters. This organization is grounded on evidence-based approaches from the hospital’s policies and procedures, treatment options, and pediatric residency programs. An organizational culture can be transformed through evidence-based practice education and mentorship from evidence-based practice knowledge and skills (Crabtree et al., 2016).

      The Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters new mental health hospital and outpatient center called, Children’s Pavilion, recently opened September 30, 2022. This new state of the art children’s mental hospital provides a wide variety of evidence-based mental health treatment options. The Children’s Pavilion website provided thorough information about the facility and stated various evidence-based approaches the hospital uses.

      The organization stated the Children’s Pavilion is the nation’s top pediatric mental health hospitals for its patient and family-centered design, evidence-based treatments, academic training program, and clinical research to guide innovation (CHKD, 2022). When describing each department on the hospital’s website, the organization elaborated on evidence-based practices that are used. For example, the psychiatric care in the outpatient setting delivered by Psychiatrists and Nurse Practitioners is based off a biopsychosocial diagnostic model that is evidenced-based, patient-centered, and family-focused (CHKD, 2018).  When talking about the acute inpatient mental health department the organization stated the hospital uses evidence-based and proactive treatment approaches for patient safety (CHKD, 2022). The Intensive Outpatient Program uses a dialectical behavioral therapy evidence-based curriculum (CHKD, 2022).

      This organization has a positive reputation when it comes to patient experience and patient outcomes within the community but researching the organization website was even more reassuring of their excellent quality of care. By the organization describing evidence-based practice interventions on the website confirmed why they have such great patient outcomes. As a Behavioral Health Navigator in the Emergency Department, I come across patients and families looking for resources to help their loved one. I’m glad Children’s Pavilion has opened to better serve the children in the region.



      Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters (CHKD). (2022). https://www.chkd.orgLinks to an external site.

      Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving patient care through nursing

      engagement in evidence-based practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(2),

      172– 175. doi:10.1111/wvn.12126

      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare:

      A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

       Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionAndrea M Allen

        Hi Cassie,

        It is really great learning about this state of the art facility that provides for children with Mental Illness.  We could use more of these facilities in different states.  Mental illness is more prevalent, accepted, and approached more readily than previous years.  The recent Covid-19 pandemic had major impact on people’s wellbeing leading to even more development, research and growth in the field of psychiatry. It is incumbent that evidence based research is utilize to improve the quality of care in our society.  As we advance our education we will continue to advance in our approach to treating mental illness.



        Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare:  A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionEsther Davis

        Hello Cassie.

        I find your post very informative, and it gives me the opportunity to learn more about Children’s Hospital of the Kings Daughters and their contribution towards research and evidence-based practice.

        I am a mental health psych nurse currently working in the inpatient psychiatry unit. We do not care for children with mental health, but I learned about a hospital named PrairieCare in my community in Minnesota that provides similar services to the one you described at the CHKD.

        Evidence-based practice improves the quality of healthcare by improving patient outcomes, reducing healthcare costs, and may also decrease burnout in healthcare providers (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018).

        The PrairieCare uses a new form of eye movement therapy called Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART). It is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy. ART has shown to be effective in treating anxiety, PSTD, depression, phobias, and many other mental health conditions (PrairieCare, 2022). Indeed, it is a breakthrough treatment for patients who found other traditional treatments unsuccessful.

        It is encouraging to know that our healthcare is progressing and making head way in the areas of Evidence-based clinical practices in Children’s mental health treatment. It is important for our healthcare organizations to commit to research for evidence-based practices. This is having a positive impact in our patient outcomes.



        Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare:  A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

        PrairieCare (2022). Accelerated Resolution Therapy-What It Is? https://www.prairie-care.com/accelerated-resolution-therapy-what-is-it/


         Reply to Comment

        • Collapse SubdiscussionBertina Boma Soh

          Hello Cassie,

          ART is new to me, and I am delighted you took the time to write about it. I have taken several mental health-related classes, but for some reason, no one ever mentioned ART (Accelerated Resolution Therapy). The above limitations of the currently endorsed first-line treatments for PTSD motivated, in part, the development of a new, brief exposure-based therapy in 2008 known as Accelerated Resolution Therapy ( Kip et al., 2019).

          Suicidal thoughts and behaviors (including suicide attempts and death by suicide) are commonly found at increased rates among individuals with psychiatric disorders, especially major depressive disorder, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, PTSD, anxiety, chemical dependency, and personality disorders (e.g., antisocial and borderline).  A history of a suicide attempt is the strongest predictor of future suicide attempts and death by suicide.  Intentional self-harm (i.e., intentional self-injury without the expressed intent to die) is also associated with long-term risk for repeated attempts and death by suicide.

          Having gone through maternity and childbirth, I can attest that some healthcare providers require further education and training to deliver maternal care respectfully. Most women who give birth in American hospitals leave with a healthy mother and baby, which seems to be the desired outcome. Still, one in five women shows symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after childbirth (Bradley, 2017, p. 4).

          Works Cited

          Kip, K. E., Elk, C. A., Sullivan, K. L., Kadel, R., Lengacher, C. A., Long, C. J., … & Diamond, D. M. (2019). A brief treatment of symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by use of accelerated resolution therapy (ART®). Behavioral Sciences2(2), 115-134.

          Bradley, J. (2017). Obstetric Violence in the United States: the Systemic Mistreatment of Women during Childbirth. DePaul University Honors Program, 1-38. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://academics.depaul.edu/honors/curriculum/archives/Documents/2016-2017%20Senior%20Theses/Bradley,%20Obstetric%20Violence%20in%20the%20United%20States.pdf

           Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionNtumba Kabongo

        Response # 2

        Hi Cassie, I read about your post and found it very interesting because I had never heard of this children’s hospital of the kings’ daughters. I went into their website and found that the organization is founded on evidence-based approaches. The hospital’s mission and statement align with what exceptional care is supposed to look like .  This organization is reputable because it transforms education, mentorships, treatment plans through evidence-based practice  with knowledge and skills (Crabtree et al., 2016).  I like that they focus on children’s mental health. Mental health awareness and treatment has become one of the big issues in healthcare.


        Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters (CHKD). (2022). https://www.chkd.orgLinks to an external site.

        Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving patient care through nursing

         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionSulaiman Yassin Jalloh

        Hi Cassie,

        Thank you for sharing this post. The evidence-based practice has truly become the foundation of care processes in hospitals. The adoption of EBP in the Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters in all departments depicts the value of evidence-based practice. Diagnostic procedures, treatment plans, and patient education are key areas that have been transformed positively through EBP (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). I concur with the idea that EBP promotes patient-centered care. EBP does not only rely on scientific evidence, but it also involves the integration of patients’ preferences into care. The organization’s positive reputation is clearly because of the focus on EBP. However, for optimal benefits of EBP, organizations must establish proper policies to ensure quality care (Grove & Gray, 2018). For instance, healthcare providers should receive training on the appraisal of health information before integration into clinical decisions. I believe CHKD is able to provide excellent mental health services through its focus on EBP.


        Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2018). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

        Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionSulaiman Yassin Jalloh

        Hi Cassie,

        Thank you for sharing this post. The evidence-based practice has truly become the foundation of care processes in hospitals. The adoption of EBP in the Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters in all departments depicts the value of evidence-based practice. Diagnostic procedures, treatment plans, and patient education are key areas that have been transformed positively through EBP (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). I concur with the idea that EBP promotes patient-centered care. EBP does not only rely on scientific evidence, but it also involves the integration of patients’ preferences into care. The organization’s positive reputation is clearly because of the focus on EBP. However, for optimal benefits of EBP, organizations must establish proper policies to ensure quality care (Grove & Gray, 2018). For instance, healthcare providers should receive training on the appraisal of health information before integration into clinical decisions. I believe CHKD is able to provide excellent mental health services through its focus on EBP.


        Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2018). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

        Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionDiana Boreland-Warden

        Hello  Cassie ,


        I enjoyed your informative and detailed post. I truly believe patient outcomes are important in all aspects of healthcare and this can be developed through using evidence based practices. The ultimate goal is to develop an archive of data from clinical trials for all treatment studies and to periodically update this archive such that it can provide research syntheses and meta-analyses to summarize treatment research for children and adolescents( Hoagwood et al, 2001). The Childrens Hospital of the King’s Daughters values and evidence  based practice are evident through the research performed and the consistent care provided.

        I appreciate your inclusion of patient experience , patient outcomes and a positive reputation in this discussion. These characteristics pair well with an organization which incorporates evidence based practices. It also helpful that this hospital is considered a resource to the community. Nurses serve on the frontline of health care, and have a unique opportunity to improve patient care through EBP ( Crabtree et al , 2016).


        Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving patient care through nursing engagement in evidence-based practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(2),  172– 175. doi:10.1111/wvn.12126

        Hoagwood, K. Burns, B. Kiser, L., Ringeisen,H., Schoenwald, Z. ( 2001).Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.Pyschiatric Service. Retrieved from Evidence-Based-Practice-in-Child-and-Adolescent-Mental-Health-Services.pdf (researchgate.net)

         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionAmanda Sutherland

        Post #2

        Hi Cassie, great post! According to Melnyk et al. (2014), Evidence-based practice (EBP) has the potential to allow healthcare administrators and practitioners to make changes to practice based on a systematic approach to gathering, analyzing, and applying research findings to actual daily practice. Its goal is to provide clinical services according to a standardized format that takes the guesswork out of care provision and creates predictably positive results. Phoenix Children’s Hospital is another pediatric hospital system that also participates in clinical research in order to establish and disseminate best practices. Their research with Barrow Neurological Institute involves joint research through their Level 4 Comprehensive Epilepsy Center. Through their research agreement, patients have access to the latest diagnostic tests and therapies, decreasing time to achieve an accurate diagnosis and targeted treatment (Barrow, 2022). The ability to be treated by a team of specialists doing the most advanced research to create pediatric neurology EBP allows patients to decrease the need to see multiple specialists in different locations, decreasing costs for patients, healthcare institutions, and payors by avoiding duplication and unnecessary tests and treatments (Melnyk, 2018).


        Barrow Neurological Institute. (2022). The Barrow Difference. Retrieved 12/3/2022 from https://www.jointcommission.org/who-we-are/

        Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer

        Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher‐Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout‐Overholt, E. (2014). The establishment of evidence‐based      practice competencies for practicing registered nurses and advanced practice nurses in real‐world clinical settings: Proficiencies to improve healthcare quality, reliability, patient outcomes, and costs. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing, 11(1), 5-15. doi:10.1111/wvn.12021

         Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionJaushai Henry

        Great post! I have never heard of this website however, I am glad that they are focusing on pediatric mental health. Pediatric mental health is not always recognized in society today. A preventative research website that I have found that also emphasizes mental health in pediatric patients is the American Academy of Pediatrics. The American Academy of Pediatrics supports a developmental approach to children’s mental health that focuses on primary prevention through promoting social-emotional health and safe, nurturing relationships; secondary prevention through screening, identification and assessment; and tertiary prevention through treatment and co-management with mental health professionals (Mental Health Initiatives, 2021). The organization uses evidence based practice research and interventions to make a difference and improve patient outcomes. The organization also has reliable, credible current publications that they collaborate with to ensure proper research (Publications, 2021).



        Mental health initiatives. American Academy of Pediatrics . (2021). Retrieved December 4, 2022, from https://www.aap.org/en/patient-care/mental-health-initiatives/Publications.

        Publications.American Academy of Pediatrics. (2021). Retrieved December 4, 2022, from https://publications.aap.org/

         Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionAndrea M Allen

           The healthcare organization website I reviewed was National Association of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner.  The website provides a comprehensive data base for Nurse Practitioners as well as NP students.  This professional website is user friendly.  The tabs are easily accessible and provides the NP with the opportunity of becoming a member in order to have access to the resources.  The NAPMHNP mission commits to creating a national network for PMHNP for development, practice , advocacy and to improved patient outcome.   Its  vision is to  facilitate, integrate and improve community health which is exemplified through its resources.

      The organization’s work is grounded in evidence based practice with its Reports supported by resources that provides evidence of available research which combines clinical experience and patient preference so nurses can make informed decisions regarding patient care.

      The information discovered on the healthcare website has increased my perception as well as inspires me to join due to the consistency of its mission and vision throughout each application.  The website instructs how to connect, access, and educates the avid user.  There are lots of opportunities including the ability to get involve in research as it also shares research agendas.


      American Psychiatric Nurses Association. (2022). site map https://www.apna.orgLinks to an external site.

      National Association of Psychiatric Nurse Practioner. (2022) https://napmhnp.enpnetwork.com/contactLinks to an external site.


       Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionVictavian Jackson

        Great Post Andrea,

        I agree Andrea, the National Association of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) organization offer many resources and evidence-based research (EBR) for healthcare workers. The association lobby on behalf of nurses and health care at all levels of the government; they advocate for policy changes on important health issues that affect nurses and the public (American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2021). The PMHNP practice continues to be strongly influenced by tradition, unsystematic trial and error. The PMHNP association is driven by a data-based platform to modify the nursing professions attitude toward embracing policies directed by evidence-based research (Rice et al., 2019). As a new PMHNP practitioners in the future, my perception has changed on gaining membership. In order to keep up on the many changes the PMHNP role may experience, it is a wise decision to stay update about the policy changes.



        American Psychiatric Nurses Association. (2021, September 8). About Association for Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health. APNA. https://www.apna.org/about-apna/

        Rice, M. J., Stalling, J., & Monasterio, A. (2019). Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: Data-Driven Policy Platform for a Psychiatric Mental Health Care Workforce. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association25(1), 27–37. https://doi.org/10.1177/1078390318808368

         Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionCheron Massonburg

      Evidence-based practice enhances healthcare quality by improving patient outcomes, reducing healthcare costs, and may also decrease burnout in healthcare providers (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). Clinicians should commit to staying current and up to date on best practices, Clinicians can do this by continued their education and following research and technology advances.

      I will be reviewing the website of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) and identifying the ways that the website supports evidence-based practice.


      The AANP is a professional healthcare organization that grants membership to nurse practitioners and nurse practitioner students. As per the AANP (n.d.a), this organization has over 104,000 members that are working together to improve patient care and advance the profession. Membership benefits include access to continuing education, networking opportunities, state and federal advocacy, and access to the most up to date medical journals (AANP, n.d.b). It is evident that the AANP’s website, supports evidence-based practice on the website.  Some of the more obvious ways this was proven were through the things like the press room site, the research opportunities site, and practice related research site.

      Throughout exploration of the website revealed documentation that supports how nurse practitioners are involved in medically assisted treatment (MAT) and the opioid epidemic (AANP, n.d.c). This information proved very useful to me personally and documented how nurse practitioners are assisting with improving patient outcomes with opioid use disorder. Statistical data, including graphs and infographics, were also provided for review. As the opioid crisis is a national public health emergency, this evidence-based research helps shed light on ways that we, as advanced practice nurses, can assist in improving the quality of care, reduce healthcare costs, and improve patient outcomes.


      As a nurse that is committed to learning and growing with the profession, I believe that being a member of such a professional nursing organization that supports evidence-based practice is vital for my growth and development. As an advanced practitioner it is my duty to utilize evidence-based practice when caring for my patients. I will advocate for improved patient outcomes, reduced healthcare spending, and quality healthcare delivery.  Joining an organization like the AANP is in direct alignment with my career goals as well as an opportunity to network with diverse group of likeminded professionals. Aligning myself with the AANP will be a benefit to myself as well as the patients I serve.




      American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). (n.d.b). AANP member benefits. Retrieved from https://www.aanp.org/membership/member-benefits


      American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). (n.d.c). Practice-related research: The latest information on the NP role. Retrieved from https://www.aanp.org/practice/practice-related-research


      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer



       Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionOdion Iseki

        Hi Cheron,

        Great post, Nurse practitioners and nursing students are welcome to join the AANP. According to the AANP (n.d.), over 104,000 members seek to improve patient care and spread the word about the profession. Membership perks include access to medical journals, networking, and continuing education (AANP, n.d.b).
        The AANP website promotes evidence-based practice.

        Examples include the press room, research opportunities, and practice-related research sites. The website depicts NP involvement in MAT and the opioid epidemic (AANP, n.d.c). This information helped me understand how nurse practitioners can help patients with opioid use disorders. Graphs and infographics displayed statistical information. Because the opioid crisis is a national public health problem, our study helps advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) give better care, lower costs, and improve patient outcomes.


        American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). (n.d.b). AANP member benefits. Retrieved from https://www.aanp.org/membership/member-benefits

         Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionVictavian Jackson

                                                                                           Evidence-Based Practices Used by the CDC

      It was enlightening to read about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) goals for health promotion, prevention and preparedness as an agency. The organization methods and processes use evidence-based research (EBR) to develop standards for professional practice. The CDC mission, vision and philosophy is to work 24/7 to protect America from health threats, whether it is abroad, acute or preventable (Mission, Role and Pledge, 2022). The CDC organization have proven their legitimacy and research grounded work by publishing hundreds of evidence-based guidelines on the prevention and control of infectious diseases. CDC also uses the public health surveillance as a foundation of effective collecting and disseminating data to healthcare professionals (Garrett, 2015). An example is the health surveillance on catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI); CDC used a methodology for performing the task by calculating the number of CAUTI occurrence per 1000 catheter days. The influence that CDC hold over the nation is amazing; however, there are States who are in non-compliance with the evidence-based research (EBR) laws. As a response to the non-compliance, the CDC developed the Prevention Status Reports (PSRs). PSR is a performance measurement system, to highlight evidence-based public health policies and practices not being implemented by State level (Young et al., 2018). For example, the CDC division developed a strategy for local health departments to send data about their incidence of central-line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs), catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) and surgical site infections (SSI). This strategy help develop standard precautions and protected both patients and healthcare providers from nosocomial transmission (Richards et al, 2017). The CDC organization did not change my perspective, but it gave me additional insight on the amazing research styles and the future of evidence-based care.


      Garrett, J. H. (2015). A Review of the CDC Recommendations for Prevention of HAIs in Outpatient Settings. AORN Journal101(5), 519–528. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aorn.2015.02.007Links to an external site.

      Mission, Role and Pledge. (2022, April 29). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/about/organization/mission.htm

      Young, A. C., Lowry, G., Mumford, K., & Graaf, C. (2018). CDC’s Prevention Status Reports: Monitoring the Status of Public Health Policies and Practices for Improved Performance and Accountability. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice24(2), 121–128. https://doi.org/10.1097/phh.0000000000000507Links to an external site.

      Interim local health department strategy for response, control, and prevention of healthcare associated infections (HAI) and antibiotic resistance (AR). (2022, April 25). The Center of Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/hai/state-based/local-strategy/index.html

      Richards, C. L., Iademarco, M. F., Atkinson, D., Pinner, R. W., Yoon, P., Mac Kenzie, W. R., Lee, B., Qualters, J. R., & Frieden, T. R. (2017). Advances in Public Health Surveillance and Information Dissemination at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Public Health Reports132(4), 403–410.  Links to an external site.







       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionUrsla Anyizi-Taku

      Where in the world is evidence-based practice?

      Evidence-based practice (EBP) is critical for healthcare institutions, professionals, and patients. Through policies and incentives, the United States healthcare system encourages healthcare providers to use evidence-based practices when making patient care decisions. Although inadequate knowledge is a common problem that hinders healthcare providers and organizations from adopting evidence-based practices, this issue can be addressed by providing extensive information that helps them understand the benefits and goals of EBP.

      Definition and Goal of Evidence-Based Practice

      Evidence-based practice is a clinical process that empowers healthcare providers and other healthcare providers to adopt evidence-based approaches. According to Melnyk et al. (2014), EBP is a systematic approach to selecting, appraising, and utilizing research findings to improve patient care. Its goal is to improve the quality of clinical decision-making by using knowledge based on scientific evidence to deliver clinical services (Crabtree et al., 2016). Notably, evidence-based practice is a foundation for building quality improvement initiatives to improve patient outcomes, safety, and effectiveness within healthcare systems. Notably, EBP is a phenomenon that helps healthcare providers adopt high-quality and effective evidence-based patient care strategies.

      The extent to which evidence-based practice is evident in global viral organizations

      Global Viral’s work is grounded in EBP because evidence-based practice is evident in its mission, vision, philosophy, and goals. The mission of the Global Viral (GV) organization is to enhance medical research and improve the health response to viral causes of virus-based health conditions. In addition, its mission involves preparing for new pandemics. Notably, EBP is evident in GV’s mission because enhancing medical research involves using EBP findings and interventions. The vision of Global Viral (GV) is to organize research for scientific and public health progress and offer community development and education. Evidence-based implementation and job satisfaction entail organizing quality research and educating others about EBP (Kim et al., 2019). Therefore, Global Viral’s vision is grounded in EBP. The philosophy of GV is to monitor, study, and understand how viral diseases are transmitted to human beings. Its goals involve promoting leadership skills, organizing and initiating scientific progress, and empowering individuals in developing countries with knowledge and the ability to fight viral diseases. Notably, EBP is evident in GV’s philosophy and goals because both use evidence-based practices to empower the public. In addition, GV is grounded in EBP because resilience and critical thinking skills are evident in the organization’s operations. Overall, GV’s work is grounded in EBP because its mission, vision, philosophy, and goals are based on evidence-based practice, critical thinking skills, and resilience.

      Whether the information I discovered on Global Viral’s website has changed my perception of the healthcare organization

      The information I have discovered about this healthcare organization has changed my perception of Global Viral by helping me understand that the use of EBP is the root of the organization’s success. Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2018) note that a culture based on EBP cultivates a spirit of inquiry and accuracy. Analyzing Global Viral’s website has changed my perception and allowed me to understand that the company’s research and findings are based on EBP, a phenomenon that has created a culture of inquiry and accuracy in the organization. Therefore, evidence-based practices have been the primary root of the company’s success.


      Studying evidence-based practice and its goals helps healthcare providers understand the extent to which EBP is evident. EBP allows healthcare providers to adopt high-quality and effective evidence-based patient care strategies. In the Global Viral organization, EBP is evident in the firm’s mission, vision, philosophy, and goals. Notably, healthcare organizations should strive to adopt EBPs because these practices enhance the quality of care they provide to patients.


      Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving patient care through nursing engagement in evidence-based practice links to an external site. Evidence-Based Nursing Worldviews, 13(2), 172-175.https://doi:10.1111/wvn.12126

      Kim, S. C., Stichler, J. F., Ecoff, L., Brown, C. E., Gallo, A. M., & Davidson, J. E. (2016). Predictors of evidence‐based practice implementation, job satisfaction, and group cohesion among regional fellowship program participants. Evidence-Based Nursing Worldviews, 13(5), 340-348.https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12171

      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Chapter 1, “Making the Case for Evidence-Based Practice and Cultivating a Spirit of Inquiry,” Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 7-32.

      Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher‐Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout‐Overholt, E. (2014). The establishment of evidence‐based practice competencies for practicing registered nurses and advanced practice nurses in real‐world clinical settings: Proficiencies to improve healthcare quality, reliability, patient outcomes, and costs. Evidence-Based Nursing Worldviews, 11(1), pp. 5-15.https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12021

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  • Collapse SubdiscussionOghogho Nwokedi


    Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the application of the finest evidence from research and studies to solve problems while putting into consideration the patient’s preferences and values as well as the healthcare professional’s expertise. Best clinical decisions that produce positive patient outcomes are achieved when EBP is delivered in an environment and a culture that supports it (Melnyk et al, 2014).

    According to Melnyk et al, (2014), EBP improves healthcare quality, reliability, and patient outcomes as well as reduces variations in care and costs.

    The organization’s website I am reviewing today is the Beth Israel Lahey HealthLinks to an external site. (BiLH) which has a network of 13 hospitals that includes community hospitals, academic medical centers and teaching hospitals as well as hospitals providing specialized orthopedic and behavioral health care with a 35,000 employee strength. BiLH on their website declares that they  measure success by the difference they  make in people’s lives as teams collaborate to deliver exceptional care (BiLH, 2022).

    Kim et al, (2016) opines that an organizational culture that emphasizes making clinical decisions based on evidence is critical for improving and sustaining safe and high‐quality patient care. This is evident on BiLH’s website with their heavy involvement in research studies that allows clients to make the best decisions from newest diagnostic and treatment options.

    In reviewing BiLH’s website,  I observed that researchers  participate in lots of medical studies that include experimental drug therapies, leading diabetes research and new medical devices (BiLH, 2022). These can all facilitate EBP in providing better  solutions to health issues.

    Crabtree et al, (2016) in his work on EBP  said organizational cultures can be transformed through provision of EBP education and mentored implementation of EBP knowledge and skills. This is what is evident on BiLH’s website with their support of   clinical staff in pursuit of knowledge, achievement of educational goals along with offer of skills training and continuing education

    Reviewing this organization’s website made me realize the magnitude of EBP and the pivotal role the organization must play for it to be effective as it extends to new generations of healthcare leaders as evidenced by BiLH who is willing to learn and pass on knowledge..



    Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2014). The Establishment of Evidence-Based Practice Competencies for Practicing Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Nurses in Real-World Clinical Settings: Proficiencies to Improve Healthcare Quality, Reliability, Patient Outcomes, and Costs. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing11(1), 5–15. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12021Links to an external site.

    Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving Patient Care Through Nursing Engagement in Evidence-Based Practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing13(2), 172–175. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12126Links to an external site.

    Kim, S. C., Stichler, J. F., Ecoff, L., Brown, C. E., Gallo, A., & Davidson, J. E. (2016). Predictors of Evidence-Based Practice Implementation, Job Satisfaction, and Group Cohesion Among Regional Fellowship Program Participants. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing13(5), 340–348. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12171Links to an external site.

    Beth Israel Lahey HealthLinks to an external site. (2022). https://www.bilh.org/health-care-system


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    • Collapse SubdiscussionLeslie Rasmussen

      Hi Oghogho,

      I was interested in reviewing your discussion as I have not heard about this health organization before. Right when you open their page, their “about me” page talks about why they are involved with research and funding, and you can click on different programs that they sponsor to learn more about each one (Beth Israel Lahey Health, 2022). There are many articles to review on this health system and its purpose. I thought it was very interesting that this organization has brought together many teaching hospitals, medical centers, community hospitals, specialty hospitals, along with 35,000 employees to come together and work on the same goal, which is to provide great care and advance their medicine with science and groundbreaking research (Kritz, 2019). Their website provides direct links to the different hospitals and academic centers so that you can review their information as well. It is so important to utilize research in the education that you are providing to better patient care, but it is so nice that individuals like myself can go on their website and review what they are working on and who they are working with. I thoroughly enjoyed looking up this organizations, thanks for bringing attention to it!


      Beth Israel Lahey Health. (2022). About beth israel lahey health. https://www.bilh.org/about-bilh-1Links to an external site.

      Kritz, J. (2019). Beth israel lahey health begins journey to transform health care. Beth Israel Lahey

                        Healthhttps://www.lahey.org/lhmc/article/beth-israel-lahey-health-begins-journey-to-Links to an external site.


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    • Collapse SubdiscussionEsther Davis

      Hello Oghogho,

      I heard about the Beth Israel Lahey Heath for the first time through your post. This made me to learn more about what they stand for in terms of research and evidence-based practices (EBP). EBP seeks and applies the best clinical evidence, often from research that is why research is a critical component to present day patient care and future advances in medical care (Warren et al, 2017).

      The Lahey Health network of hospitals are located in different cities and what is fascinating to me is that at their Joslin Diabetes Center, they are a global leader in diabetes research. They have been at the fore front of discovering new evidence-based practices which have helped them to commit to preventing and curing diabetes worldwide. Their research has given new knowledge, life changing treatment and a hope to have a cure for diabetes.

      Their New England Baptist Hospital also has a significant commitment to research in musculoskeletal treatments. Their research has made them to set standard nationally and internationally.

      Research does not only provide insights into new devices, drugs, and procedures, it also allows providers to explore new ways to serve the health-care needs of their patients and community (Rousseau et al, 2016). Research is very vital to evidence-based practices and without clinical research, we would not be able to decide if new treatments are better than our current treatments.



      Beth Israel Lahey Health (2022). https://www.bilh.org/health-care-system.

      Rousseau, D. M., & Gunia, B. C. (2016). Evidence-based practice: The psychology of EBP implementation. Annual Review of Psychology67(1), 667-692.

      Warren, J. I., McLaughlin, M., Bardsley, J., Eich, J., Esche, C. A., Kropkowski, L., & Risch, S. (2017). The strengths and challenges of implementing EBP in healthcare systems. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing13(1), 15-24.


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    • Collapse SubdiscussionMleh Porter

      Hello Oghogho,

      I enjoyed reading your post. Thank you for sharing it. Before reading your post, I had never heard about Beth Israel Lahey Health (BILH). Looking over BILH’s website, it is evident they are involved in evidence-based practice. In describing their system, they state that they provide health care to the community based on exceptional research and education, enabling them to provide the best care to their communities (Beth Israel Lahey Health, 2022). The BILH has a dedicated research and education page. They describe their research program as improving medicine in the United States and worldwide. From their website, I learned that they have five research centers. Each research center has a website with available research studies on various health topics (BILH, 2022). I agree that a healthcare organization can transform its culture by implementing evidence-based practice. Evidence-based practice is essential to improving patients’ quality of health and outcomes (Chien, 2019).



      Beth Israel Lahey Health. (2022). Our system.  Retrieved December 2, 2022, from https://www.bilh.org/health-care-system

      Beth Israel Lahey Health. (2022). Research & Education. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from https://www.bilh.org/research-education

      Chien L. Y. (2019). Evidence-based practice and nursing research. The journal of nursing research: JNR27(4), e29. https://doi.org/10.1097/jnr.0000000000000346


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    • Collapse SubdiscussionMaxine A Lewis

      Colleagues good morning this is my third attempt since yesterday  responding to is post, I keep falling off to sleep as I am not feeling well so here I go again lol.

      Thank you Oghogho! I have never heard of Beth Israel Lahey Health so naturally after reading your post I went straight to the site. Evidence Base practice flew right off the pages! It was definately evident this facility utilize evidence base practice to care for their patient. As I navigated the site it hit me that Beth Israel Lahey also is using the quadruple aim model. At first I noted the triple aim “enhancing patient experience, improving population health, and reducing costs” (Bodenheimer and Sinsky, 2014) and needed to see if the quadruple aim was included as per Bodenheimer and Sinsky “practices working toward the Triple Aim may increase physician burnout and thereby reduce their chances of success” (Bodenheimer and Sinsky, 2014). Physician burnout is linked to poor adherence to treatment programs, which has a negative impact on clinical results. Burnout also reduces empathy, which has been linked to poorer clinical results in diabetic patients. Nurse dissatisfaction endangers patient safety; many nurses indicate that their workload causes them to miss critical changes in their patients’ conditions (Bodenheimer and Sinsky, 2014). I finally found evidence that the quadruple aim is  in effect by noting the statement by Beth Israel which says Beth Israel Lahey Health works to make the people, families, and communities we serve healthy. From primary care to specialized physicians, research labs to hospitals and beyond, our teams work together to provide great care for every aspect of your health (Beth Israel Lahey Health).



      Beth Israel Lahey Health, Our System,https://www.bilh.org/health-care-system

      Bodenheimer, T., & Sinsky, C. (2014). From triple to quadruple aim: care of the patient requires care of the provider. Annals of family medicine12(6), 573–576. https://doi.org/10.1370/afm.1713

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  • Collapse SubdiscussionStephen Chege

    Main Discussion Post- Module 1

    Evidence-based Practice (EBP) provides a guideline for giving quality care proven to be effective. Adhering to EBP yields improved patient outcomes, reduced cost of care provided, builds confidence in healthcare providers/clinicians and enhanced healthcare quality. Despite EBP resources, many healthcare organizations still need more expertise to implement EBP. Also, some healthcare organizations stick to old traditions of healthcare provision and barricade the use of EBP due to tradition and culture (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). This discussion aims to explore the existence of EBP, concentrating on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA).

    SAMHSA is an affiliated government agency under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). It focuses on improving approaches to behavioral health to improve the lives of individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders (www.samhsa.gov).

    SAMHSA Mission Statement: “To lead public health and service delivery efforts that promote mental health, prevent substance misuse, and provide treatments and supports to foster recovery while ensuring equitable access and better outcomes.” (www.samhsa.gov).

    SAMHSA Vision: “Envisions that people with, affected by, or at risk for mental health and substance use conditions receive care, thrive, and achieve wellbeing.” (www.samhsa.gov).

    The concept of EBP portrays in both the SAMHSA mission statement and vision. SAMHSA strives to promote quality care to vulnerable individuals with mental illness and substance abuse disorders. Considering the stigma associated with mental illness and substance abuse, concentrating on measures that can promote wellness and quality care to individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders is commendable. Labor, Del Boca & Bray (2017) features a successful care model established by SAMHSA. Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) funded by SAMHSA prove SAMHSA’s firm ground on EBP. SBIRT benefits individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders in primary care settings, outpatient clinics, or the emergency department.

    In conclusion, it is critical to establish care models that promote community health and desirable healthcare outcomes. SAMHSA initiatives to promote health to individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders benefit a vulnerable population. For example, implementing the SBIRT model allows substance abuse screening in clinical settings and helps identify individuals at risk for addiction. Individuals screening positive for substance abuse or mental illness get a referral to the treatment center, which promotes early interventions and recovery.


    Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

    Babor, T. F., Del Boca, F., & Bray, J. W. (2017). Screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment: Implications of Samhsa’s SBIRT initiative for substance abuse policy and practice. Addiction, 112, 110–117. https://doi.org/10.1111/add.13675


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  • Collapse SubdiscussionSheila Ankrah

    Discussion: Where in the World Is Evidence-Based Practice?

    Overview of Evidence-Based Practice

    Evidence-based practice (EBP) can be defined as the idea that occupational practices must be based on scientific evidence. EBP involves integrating the best available evidence with clinical knowledge and expertise while considering patients’ unique needs and preferences. EBP helps nurses and other healthcare practitioners determine a practical course of action while caring for patients, and its implementation results in better patient outcomes. According to Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2018), EBP enhances healthcare quality, improves patient outcomes, reduces costs, and empowers healthcare practitioners in clinical decision-making.

    Roles of AHRQ in Promoting EBP

    The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is the lead federal agency that improves America’s healthcare system’s quality and safety. AHRQ develops the knowledge, tools, and data needed to improve health system performance and help patients, healthcare professionals, and policymakers make informed health decisions (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ], 2018). The agency’s primary goal is to ensure safer healthcare with improved quality. These goals align with the six domains of healthcare quality developed by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). These domains include ensuring safe, effective, patient-centred, timely, efficient, and equitable patient care to all U.S patients. The safety domain dictates that those healthcare systems should avoid patient harm, while the realistic environment outlines that services should be provided on scientific knowledge (Borsky et al., 2019).

    AHRQ-funded research

    Some ICU patients needed central lines, and some of those central lines would become infected, leading to bloodstream infections that contributed to more extended hospital stays and high mortality rates. AHRQ-funded research demonstrated that central-line infections could be prevented. Data from a 2015 report on HACs showed a 72% reduction in central line infections nationwide from 2010 to 2014. The 2010 baseline measure for central line infections was 18,000; by 2014, it had decreased to 5,000, many of which were based on AHRQ-funded research (Kronick, 2016).


    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality(AHRQ). (2018). A Profile. Retrieved March 2, 2021from https://www.ahrq.gov/cpi/about/profile/index.html

    Borsky, A. E., Savitz, L. A., Bindman, A. B., Mossburg, S., & Thompson, L. (2019). AHRQ series on improving translation of evidence: the perceived value of translational products by the AHRQ EPC Learning Health Systems Panel. Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety45(11), 772–778.

    Kronick R. (2016). AHRQ’s Role in Improving Quality, Safety, and Health System Performance. Public health reports (Washington, D.C.: 1974)131(2), 229–232. https://doi.org/10.1177/003335491613100205

    Melnyk, B.M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice. 4th ed., Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.



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  • Collapse SubdiscussionOdion Iseki


    EBP improves nursing care, patient outcomes, medical expenditures, and clinician confidence (Fineout-Overholt & Melnyk, 2019). The quadruple goal in healthcare is EBP’s four benefits. US hospitals and healthcare systems are pursuing the “triple aim of increasing patient safety. Evidence-based practice (EBP) improves the quality of nursing care, helps patients do better, lowers medical costs, and makes people more confident in their abilities as clinicians (Fineout-Overholt & Melnyk, 2019). The quadruple aim is a term used in health care to describe these four benefits of EBP. By achieving the quadruple aim in healthcare, hospitals and other healthcare systems in the US are trying to make patient care safer.


    The writer will check the American Association of Nurse Practitioners {AANP} website to see if it promotes evidence-based practice. The AANP is a professional healthcare group that lets nurse practitioners and students studying to become nurse practitioners join. According to the AANP (n.d.), this group has more than 104,000 members who work together to improve patient care and move the profession forward. As a member, the writer has access to continuing education, networking opportunities, advocacy at the state and federal levels, and the most recent medical journals (AANP). Evidence-based practice is evident as the writer looks through the different AANP website tabs. This was made clear by where the press room was, what research was available, and what research linked to practice.


    The AANP bases its work on facts gleaned from scientific research. The writer found proof that nurse practitioners are involved in medically assisted treatment (MAT) and the opioid crisis by looking around the website (AANP). This information was helpful and showed how NPs help patients with opioid use disorders live a good life. There were graphical representations of the data, such as charts and maps. Considering the opioid crisis, a national public health crisis, this research shows how we, as advanced practice nurses, can help improve the quality of care, lower healthcare costs, and improve health outcomes.


    To start this academic career, the writer needs to join a professional nursing group that supports evidence-based practice. The writer can make a big difference in many people’s lives as an advanced practitioner. The writer wants to ensure she avoids getting stuck in a rut and stops using evidence-based practices because her workplace culture prefers to keep things the same. The writer will fight for better patient health outcomes, lower healthcare costs, and better care. If she joins the AANP, the writer will become part of a network of professionals working toward the same goal and wanting to use evidence-based practice. Joining the AANP would benefit both the community I work in and myself.


    American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). (n.d.a). About the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). Retrieved from https://www.aanp.org/membership/why-joinLinks to an external site.


    American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). (n.d.b). AANP member benefits. Retrieved from https://www.aanp.org/membership/member-benefitsLinks to an external site.


    American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). (n.d.c). Practice-related research: The latest information on the NP role. Retrieved from https://www.aanp.org/practice/practice-related-researchLinks to an external site.


     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionSheila Ankrah


      Hi Odion,

      I completely agree with you that implementing evidence-based research is a great way to attain excellent patient care in the healthcare industry. To support this notion, Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2018) reveal in their article that EBP enhances healthcare quality, improves patient outcomes, reduces costs, and empowers healthcare practitioners in clinical decision-making.

      To promote evidence-based practice, the Johns Hopkins Nursing Center for Evidence-Based Practice provides best practices, leadership, support and training, and research to help nurses bring the best available evidence into practice in their day-to-day practice (John Hopkins, n.c.). Nursing practice based on evidence improves patient care compared to traditional practices (Majid et al., 2011).


      John Hopkins (n.c.). Center for Evidence-Based Practice. Retrieved March 3, 2021 from https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/evidence-based-practice/

      Majid, S., Foo, S., Luyt, B., Zhang, X., Theng, Y. L., Chang, Y. K., & Mokhtar, I. A. (2011). Adopting evidence-based practice in clinical decision making: nurses’ perceptions, knowledge, and barriers. Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA99(3), 229–236. https://doi.org/10.3163/1536-5050.99.3.010

      Melnyk, B.M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based Practice in Nursing a



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  • Collapse SubdiscussionChristiana Nuworsoo

    Initial Post – EBP

    As the first nursing organization in the United States, the National League for Nursing (NLN) was founded in 1893 as the American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools for Nurses.  It is an organization dedicated to nursing faculty and leaders in nursing education.  The NLN offers professional development, networking, assessment services, nursing research grants, and public policy initiatives to its members and institutional members.  Their mission is to promote excellence in nursing education to build a strong and diverse nursing workforce to advance the health of our nation and the global community (NLN, 2022).

    The first appearance of EBP appears on their Mission and Strategic Plan page under Advancement of the Science of Nursing Education, in which they promote research that generates evidence about nursing education and scholarship (NLN, 2022).  Although I had expected to see EBP mentioned all over the website, it is not; however, I believe their work is grounded in EBP because my first knowledge of EBP came from nursing school.  I gained new knowledge on the NLN website, one of which is that the NLN is the first nursing organization in the United States.  Nothing on the site has changed my perception of the NLN because I intentionally chose an organization that I wasn’t familiar with to acquire new information.


    The National League for Nursing. (2022). About the National League for Nursing.  Retrieved 11/30/2022 from https://www.nln.org/about/about/overviewLinks to an external site.

    The National League for Nursing. (2022). Core Values.  Retrieved 11/30/2022 from https://www.nln.org/about/about/core-valuesLinks to an external site.

    The National League for Nursing. (2022). Discover opportunities for success.  https://www.nln.org/about/about/overviewLinks to an external site.

    The National League for Nursing. (n.d.). Mission and Strategic Plan.  Retrieved 11/30/2022 from https://www.nln.org/about/about/mission-and-strategic-planLinks to an external site.


     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionOdion Iseki

      Hi Christiana,

      I like your post it is on point and clear to understand. Due to dynamic adjustments, healthcare innovation and technology are growing, so sustaining any challenges they promote requires critical approaches. Melnyk et al. (2014) say EBP is essential for addressing healthcare problems and promoting high-quality care. EBP uses evidence to make decisions and provide high-quality patient care. When nurses adopt EBP successfully, patient safety improves.


      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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  • Collapse SubdiscussionRita Osei

    Evidence-Based Practice: Mayo Clinic

    Healthcare is a constantly developing field with increased innovation and technological advancement. Due to such dynamic changes, utilizing vital approaches to sustain any issues they may promote is vital. EBP is one of the essential approaches to sustain the healthcare challenges and promote high-quality care (Melnyk et al., 2014). EBP is an approach whereby significant evidence is used to make necessary decisions and deliver high-quality care to patients. Whenever the nurses systematically and successfully implement EBP, patient safety is promoted. EBP comprises three major elements: patients’ needs and wants, clinicians’ skills and knowledge, and the best available evidence (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhold, 2018). EBP is crucial since it allows nurses to choose the most effective and appropriate intervention. The key outcome of EBP is high-quality patient care (Boller, 2017). The paper assesses evidence-based practice at the Mayo Clinic and how it influences my perceptions of the organization.

    The healthcare organization website reviewed is the Mayo Clinic website. Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization focusing on research, education, and healthcare. It is a large organization with more than 4500 scientists and physicians (Mayo Clinic, 2022). The organization mainly focuses on destination medicine and tertiary care. It is also ranked as one of the best American health organizations due to its high quality and technical services, such as hematologic transplantation. Mayo Clinic uses its website to market high-quality services and reaches out to patients. Therefore, Mayo Clinic is a suitable healthcare organization that sustains high-quality patient care.

    EBP appears in Mayo Clinic’s mission. Its mission is ‘to inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education, and research (Mayo Clinic, 2022). The mission justifies that the organization focuses on EBP elements such as research, education, and evidence-based clinical practice.

    Mayo Clinic’s work is grounded on EBP since it focuses on an integrated clinical practice as its mission dictates. According to Kim et al. (2016), EBP combines patients’ needs and wants and clinicians’ skills and knowledge. All these elements are visible in Mayo Clinic’s work. Besides, it also advocates for quality intervention and nursing care. For instance, from the website, key quality values validate the organization’s approach to EBP. Therefore, Mayo Clinic is a critical organization that promotes EBP.

    The information discovered on the Mayo Clinic website has changed my perception regarding the organization since I view it as one which adequately implements EBP. In the past, I believed Mayo Clinic focused on the existing interventions since it is an old and nonprofit organization. However, with the information retrieved from the website, I strongly correlate the organization’s success and growth to EBP.

    Conclusively, EBP is one of the essential approaches to sustain the healthcare challenges and promote high-quality care at the Mayo clinic. It uses evidence to make necessary decisions and deliver high-quality care to patients. Whenever the nurses successfully implement EBP, patient safety is improved. Therefore, EBP is crucial since it allows nurses to choose the most effective and appropriate intervention.





    Boller, J. (2017). Nurse educators: Leading health care to the quadruple aim sweet spot. Journal of Nursing Education56(12), 707-708.

    Kim, S. C., Stichler, J. F., Ecoff, L., Brown, C. E., Gallo, A. M., & Davidson, J. E. (2016). Predictors of evidence‐based practice implementation, job satisfaction, and group cohesion among regional fellowship program participants. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing13(5), 340-348.

    Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2022). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved November 30, 2022, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/

    Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

    Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher‐Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout‐Overholt, E. (2014). The establishment of evidence‐based practice competencies for practicing registered nurses and advanced practice nurses in real‐world clinical settings: Proficiencies to improve healthcare quality, reliability, patient outcomes, and costs. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing11(1), 5-15.


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    • Collapse SubdiscussionDiana Boreland-Warden

      Hello Rita ,


      I enjoyed reading your post. The Mayo Clinic is grounded in evidence-based practices and is also a highly sought resource. The information provided by the Mayo Clinic is not limited to one particular health concern. There are also factors that facilitate EBP, including: beliefs in the value of EBP and the ability to implement it, EBP mentors who work with direct care clinicians to implement best practices, supportive EBP contexts or environments and cultures, administrative support, and assistance by librarians from multifaceted education programs (Melnyk et al , 2014 ). As you stated, “Mayo Clinic uses its website to market high-quality services and reaches out to patients”. The Mayo Clinic is a resource not only for practitioners but for patients as well. The information, resources and website or easily accessible and maneuverable.

      The Mayo Clinic also has an Evidence Based Research Program. The Evidence-Based Practice Research Program at Mayo Clinic conducts research to evaluate and summarize all available evidence on a particular health care issue ( Mayo Clinic , 2022) . This program shows the dedication and commitment the Mayo Clinic has to evidence-based practice.


      Evidence Based Research Program. (2022). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/Links to an external site.

      Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher‐Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout‐Overholt, E. (2014). The establishment of evidence‐based practice competencies for practicing registered nurses and advanced practice nurses in real‐world clinical settings: Proficiencies to improve healthcare quality, reliability, patient outcomes, and costs. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing11(1), 5-15.

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  • Collapse SubdiscussionJordyn Simons

                                                                                      Evidence-Based Practice: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

    “Evidence-based practice is now widely recognized as the key to improving healthcare quality and patient outcomes” (CHIEN, 2019).

    “Adoption of specific EBP competencies for nurses and advanced practice nurses (APNs) who practice in real-world healthcare settings can assist institutions in achieving high-value, low-cost evidence-based health care” (Melnky et al., 2014).

    The Food and Drug Administration is a government agency established in 1906 with the passage of the Federal Food and Drugs Act. Some of the responsibilities of The Food and Drug Administration include protecting the public health by assuring that foods are safe for consumption. Also, the FDA ensures human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products, and medical devices intended for human use are safe and effective. These are just a few responsibilities of the FDA throughout all 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and other U.S. territories. While researching the FDA website it was not difficult to find evidence based research and practice. Through their FDA guidance documents tab I was able to find a Guidance document which read, Guidance for Industry: Evidence-Based Review System for the Scientific Evaluation of Health Claims. This document describes the evidence-based review system that FDA intends to use to evaluate the publicly available scientific evidence for SSA health claims or qualified health claims on the relationship between a substance and a disease or health-related condition. This guidance document explains the agency’s current thinking on the scientific review approach FDA should use and is intended to provide guidance to health claim petitioners (Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, 2009).

    I do believe that The FDA’s work is grounded in EBP, due to the nature of issues the organization deals with; they have a significant process in determining public safety for the nation.  My views did not change about the organization because it is so well known and plays a huge part in nursing care. For an example, The FDA regulates the sale of medical device products (including diagnostic tests) in the U.S. and monitors the safety of all regulated medical products (Center for Devices and Radiological Health, 2018).


    Center for Devices and Radiological Health. (2018, August). FDA’s role in regulating medical devices. U.S. Food and Drug Administration.        https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/home-use-devices/fdas-role-regulating-medical-devices

    Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. (2009, January). Evidence-based review for Scientific Evaluation of Health claims. U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  https://www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/guidance-industry-evidence-based-review-system-scientific-evaluation-health-claims

    CHIEN, L.-Y. (2019). Evidence-based practice and nursing research. Journal of Nursing Research, 27(4). https://doi.org/10.1097/jnr.0000000000000346

    Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2014). The establishment of evidence-based practice competencies for practicing registered nurses and advanced practice nurses in real-world clinical settings: Proficiencies to improve healthcare quality, reliability, patient outcomes, and costs Links to an external site.. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 11(1), 5–15. doi:10.1111/wvn.12021


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    • Collapse SubdiscussionStephen Chege

      Response 1.

      Great Post, Jordyn.

      As described by Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2018), Evidenced Based Practice (EBP) promotes healthcare quality, gives desirable patient outcomes, minimizes the cost of healthcare, and gives healthcare providers confidence in their practice. As you mention in your post, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) merges with EBP and shares a common goal of promoting public health safety by ensuring legit products reach the final consumer. You mentioned medications, vaccines, healthcare equipment, and veterinary products. In an article featured by Kate (2019) on the FDA’s approach to fighting the opioid crisis, FDA considers using EBP establishing measures to curb the opioid crisis contributed by prescriptions intended to treat acute pain. The FDA approaches National Academies Committee to investigate the guidelines when prescribing opioids to treat acute pain. Considering this approach, I second the point that FDA uses EBP when implementing the regulations.


      Kate, T. (2019). FDA, National Academies Examining opioids for acute pain. American journal of health-system pharmacy: AJHP: official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from https:// pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30852598/

      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

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  • Collapse SubdiscussionDiana Boreland-Warden

                   The organization selected is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) . The CDC is a leading organization in providing direction and standards regarding many areas related to healthcare. According to the CDC’s mission statement “ CDC works 24/7 to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S. Whether diseases start at home or abroad, are chronic or acute, curable or preventable, human error or deliberate attack, CDC fights disease and supports communities and citizens to do the same” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d ) . The mission, goal and vision of the CDC encompasses the incorporation of evidence-based practices to provide the best possible outcomes.

    The CDC is grounded in evidence-based practices. Research studies show that evidence-based practice (EBP) leads to higher quality care, improved patient outcomes, reduced costs, and greater nurse satisfaction than traditional approaches to care(Melnyk et al 2016). The CDC is highly structured and considered a definitive resource when it comes to healthcare and best practices. Throughout the recent pandemic the practices recommended by this organization were frequently referenced and widely reported. The information I discovered on the website is consistent with my expectations of the organization. I specifically reviewed evidence-based practices related to Autism and evidence-based screening tools. While the CDC does not endorse any specific tools it offers a wide range of consistent and effective tools that can be used for screening children for developmental delays and disabilities. The CDC also providers information for educators. This is highly important as educators are quickly able to capture signs and symptoms of Autism in children. This in turn can lead to early intervention which is key.

    The ability to improve patient care for developmentally and mentally ill patients through advocacy and evidence-based practice is a longstanding and personal goal. Unfortunately, nurses are not 100 % equipped to serve this community when introduced to the field. Nurses serve on the frontline of health care, and have a unique opportunity to improve patient care through EBP( Crabtree, Brennan &Davis , 2016 ) . For this reason it is especially important to ensure an organization is grounded in evidence-based practices.



    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). About CDC. https://www.cdc.gov/about/organization/cio.htm

    Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving patient care through nursing engagement in evidence-based practice Links to an external site.. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(2), 172–175. doi:10.1111/wvn.12126

    Melnyk, B.M., Fineout-Overhold, E., Stillwell, S.B., & Williamson, K.M. (2010). Evidence-based practice step-by-step: The seven steps of evidence-based practice Links to an external site.Links to an external site.American Journal of Nursing, 110(1), 51-53.




     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionCheron Massonburg

      Hi Diana, I am a fan of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) because they keep the public updated on the latest trends on health. The CDC works with other countries to try to detect, protect and respond to public health hazards by conducting medical research. Many countries are unprepared and ill-equipped to handle and control various health emergencies. The world is unpredictable with natural disasters, emerging infectious disease outbreaks, and unintentional or intentional releases of highly lethal pathogens. “The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) works with countries and partners to build and strengthen global health security preparedness so they can quickly respond to public health crises” (Tappero, et al, 2017). Because of their ongoing research and laboratories spread all over the United States they can quickly respond to public health crises. “The CDC laboratory testing works hard so they can enable early detection of public health threats before they escalate into outbreaks and threaten communities, nations, and the world” (Fitzmaurice, et al. 2017).


      Fitzmaurice AG, Mahar M, Moriarty LF, et al. (2017). Contributions of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Implementing the Global Health Security Agenda in 17 Partner Countries. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2017 Dec;23(13). DOI: 10.3201/eid2313.170898. PMID: 29155676; PMCID: PMC5711326.

      Tappero, J. W., Cassell, C. H., Bunnell, R. E., Angulo, F. J., Craig, A., Pesik, N., Dahl, B. A., Ijaz, K., Jafari, H., Martin, R., & Global Health Security Science Group (2017). US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Its Partners’ Contributions to Global Health Security. Emerging infectious diseases, 23(13), S5–S14. https://doi.org/10.3201/eid2313.170946

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionSheena Grays

      Hello Diana,

      I enjoyed reading your post! Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges (“Basics about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) | NCBDDD | CDC,” 2022). Patients with ASD may perform, communicate, interact, and understand in ways that are different from other patients, which can be very challenging for nurses when caring for patients with ASD (“Basics about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) | NCBDDD | CDC,” 2022). It is sad that nurses are not 100% prepared to serve the ASD population. Responsive nursing care and comprehension of sensory and communication difficulties are necessary. Furthermore, the CDC is dedicated to providing ongoing data on ASD through EBP (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022). It is remarkable that the CDC also continues to search for causes that put children at risk for ASD and develop resources that help identify children with ASD as early as possible (“Basics about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) | NCBDDD | CDC,” 2022).



      Basics about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) | NCBDDD | CDC. (2022, March 31). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/facts.htmlLinks to an external site.

      (2022, November 2). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/Links to an external site.


       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionAmanda Sutherland


      Post #3

      Hi Diana, great post! Hume et al. (2021) describe how the application of EBP to children with autism is a recent development encouraged by researchers in the 1970s and 1980s who proposed that practice should be based on empirical evidence. Previously, autism was characterized as a rare disorder and had very specific and limited criteria so few patients were able to receive the diagnosis and qualify for public or insurance benefits. Treatments were at the whim of assorted providers, and ranged from psychoanalysis to torture. Most patients were diagnosed as having schizophrenia of childhood and institutionalized, with terrible outcomes. Parent advocate organizations along with researchers lobbied for a wider definition and the autism diagnosis resembling that of today emerged in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) III in 1980 (Silberman, 2015).

      As a provider, it is important to be aware of how organizations use evidence based practice (EBP) because our use of an organizations’ recommendations for EBP in terms of diagnosis and treatment plan will often impact whether or not patients qualify for private insurance and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) coverage for treatment for their condition. As we move into practice, we will learn how to code services in such a way that they are aligned with accreditation and regulatory definitions and can be paid by private insurance or CMS. Awareness of and staying within EBP guidelines established by these organizations allows us as providers to help patients to receive and afford services. (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt,2018). This is especially true for patients attempting to access services related to autism, as well as those receiving Medicaid.



      Hume, K., Steinbrenner, J. R., Odom, S. L., Morin, K. L., Nowell, S. W., Tomaszewski, B., Szendrey, S., McIntyre, N. S., Yücesoy-Özkan, S., & Savage, M. N. (2021). Evidence-Based practices for children, youth, and young adults with autism: Third generation review. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 51(11), 4013–4032. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-020-04844-2

      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer

      Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher‐Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout‐Overholt, E. (2014). The establishment of evidence‐based practice competencies for practicing registered nurses and advanced practice nurses in real‐world clinical settings: Proficiencies to improve healthcare quality, reliability, patient outcomes, and costs. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing, 11(1), 5-15. doi:10.1111/wvn.12021

      Silberman, S. (2015). Neurotribes: The legacy of autism and the future of neurodiversity. Penguin Random House.

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionSulaiman Yassin Jalloh

    Evidence-based practice is widely adopted and supported as healthcare organizations pursue to promote quality care. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is one of the organizations that promote EBP in its mission and activities (CDC, 2022). A part of the CDC’s mission is to save lives and protect Americans’ health. The mission is primarily accomplished through research that provides critical information that enhances responses to health threats. The fundamental aspect of EBP is the provision of effective patient care based on scientific evidence (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhold, 2022). In its mission, CDC emphasizes the use of information from critical science to fight disease and individual, community, and global levels.

    The various activities of the CDC are grounded on evidence-based practice. The organization partner with other agencies to generate evidence and tools to assist health providers protect public health (CDC, 2022). The evidence-based practice consists of the use of data for developing solutions to health problems (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhold, 2022). CDC applies the principles by using advanced computing of big data to formulate solutions to global health threats. Additionally, the organization puts EBP into action by tracking diseases and determining the most effective disease prevention strategies (CDC, 2022). For instance, CDC is actively involved in developing evidence-based interventions to promote healthy behaviors in diabetes management. Thus, the CDC provides new evidence that ensures health systems improve public health and save lives.

    The review of the information has changed my perception of the CDC’s role. Any visit to the CDC website has access to vast information about diseases and health promotional strategies. Notably, the information shared by the organization is a product of intense and collaborative research (CDC, 2022). CDC’s emphasis on EBP explains its involvement in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.



    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (2022, April 29). Mission, Role and Pledge. https://www.cdc.gov/about/organization/mission.htm

    Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2022). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Evidence-based practices.    https://www.cdc.gov/publichealthgateway/program/resources/evidence.html

     Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionSheri Estes

    Week One Main Discussion


    Evidence Practice (EBP) is a critical principle in Nursing and a crucial component of quality patient care. According to Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2019), EBP leads to higher-quality care, improved patient outcomes, and reduced costs. It requires the application of current evidence to make the best decisions and improve patient care quality. EBP allows Nurses and other healthcare professionals to translate research findings into clinical practice (AANP,2022).

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is my chosen organization for this week’s discussion. The CDC has published hundreds of evidence-based guidelines for disease and injury prevention. According to the (CDC,2022), its mission is to protect America from health, safety, and security threats, whether they start here at home or abroad. The CDC has many topics organized on the website that contain EBP articles; this is found easily on the tab for resources. The CDC is grounded in EBP, which is seen by the numerous EBP articles that are available on their website. The CDC works nonstop to protect the nation. The Vaccine guidelines of the CDC have standards that guide immunizations for children and adults using EBP. The CDC website displays numerous links when searching for the term EBP with many topics such as preventing chronic disease, hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome, and countless others.

    My opinion on the CDC remains the same; they are an organization that utilizes EBP to its fullest potential. The numerous guidelines on the CDC website show that the organization is committed to protecting the nation from serious health issues.




    American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). n.d. Retrieved on August 30, 2022, from http://www.aanp.orgLinks to an external site.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Mission, Role, and Pledge. Retrieved August 31, 2022, from https://www.cdc.gov/about/organization/mission.htmLinks to an external site.

    Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

     Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionSheri Estes

        Week one 


        Dr. Lewis, 

        Thank you for the thought-provoking question. Evidenced-based practice helps to save money for institutions and patients by reducing the number of unnecessary medical procedures and associated costs (Walewska-Zielecka et al. 2021). Evidenced-based practice is a systematic process designed to make improvements in health care. Using a systematic approach allows providers to make decisions that improve patient outcomes while reducing unneeded testing or supplies. 




        Walewska-Zielecka, B., Religioni, U., Soszyński, P., & Wojtkowski, K. (2021). Evidence-Based Care Reduces Unnecessary Medical Procedures and Healthcare Costs in the Outpatient Setting. Value in health regional issues25, 23–28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vhri.2020.07.577 






         Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionUrsla Anyizi-Taku

      Response # 2

      Hi Sheri.

      I enjoyed reading your post.  Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the act of making decisions about patient care that draws on an understanding of the best currently available evidence on the topic (Crabtree & et, 2026).  This includes combining clinical evidence, individual expertise, and patient preferences to inform how nurses complete their work and offer care. Evidence-based practices in a real-life application have been found to decrease costs for patients and institutions by standardizing and streamlining care and significantly decreasing the likelihood of unnecessary procedures. According to (Melnyk & et, 2018), through a standardized treatment plan, nurses are also less likely to recommend extraneous medications or therapies for patients they may not benefit from. In turn, this reduces the chance of prescribing additional treatments, equipment, and tests, which reduces out-of-pocket costs to patients. Most importantly, evidence-based practices greatly reduce the chance of complications from treatment. Complications from treatment can lead to higher healthcare costs, putting strain on the patient and the healthcare system.


      Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving patient care through nursing engagement in evidence-based practice links to an external site. Evidence-Based Nursing Worldviews, 13(2), 172-175.https://doi:10.1111/wvn.12126

      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Chapter 1, “Making the Case for Evidence-Based Practice and Cultivating a Spirit of Inquiry,” Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 7-32.


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  • Collapse SubdiscussionMona Bourbour Shirazi Kordi

    Healthcare system practice to improve the quality of care and decrease healthcare costs for their patients. American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) is an organization that works to support Nurse Practitioners and provide the best healthcare practice to patients. More than 121,000 healthcare professionals are members of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. There is a different types of membership which are set for students, licensed NP, career starters, and retired NP’s.

    Being a member of this organization is very beneficial for Nurse Practitioners. Nurse Practitioners can get the benefit of different education such as continuing education (CE) by getting a membership in this organization. Networking through this organization plays an important role in a Nurse Practitioner’s work life. I was looking at AANP’s website and found a support system for Nurse Practitioners by submitting their request on their websites. These evidence-based practices will help to improve the quality of care provided to the patients. The main goal of AANP is to provide a safe healthcare environment for nurse practitioners in order to take good care of their patients.

    The AANP provides different services to nurse practitioners at different levels of their education or practices. It will be a good guide to follow this organization during a nurse practitioner career.


    American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). (n.d.c). Practice-related research: The latest information on the NP role. Retrieved from https://www.aanp.org/practice/practice-related-researchLinks to an external site.

    Kleinpell, R., Cook, M. L., & Padden, D. L. (2018). American Association of Nurse Practitioners National Nurse Practitioner sample survey: Update on acute care nurse practitioner practice. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners30(3), 140-149.

     Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionMona Bourbour Shirazi Kordi

        Hi Dr.Lewis,

        Thank you so much for your response. Evidence-based practice is related to service improvement and quality advancement in different ways. In fact, these two cannot separate from each other in order to achieve a healthy and safe work environment. Evidence-based practice is a combination of practical healthcare such as peer reviews which grow the healthcare systems by utilizing others’ experiences.


        Banerjee A, Stanton E, Lemer C, Marshall M. What can quality improvement learn from evidence-based medicine? J R Soc Med. 2012 Feb;105(2):55-9. doi: 10.1258/jrsm.2011.110176. PMID: 22357980; PMCID: PMC3284300.




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    • Collapse SubdiscussionJimmy Jesse Ortega


      I am glad to see that the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) uses evidenced-based practice in order to support nurse practitioners as they provide healthcare to patients. Your post gave me so much insight on the organization. On their website they stated that research has shown that when providers deliver evidence-based care, patient outcomes are markedly improved (American Association of Nurse Practitioners, n.d.). Although all nurses have a responsibility to implement evidence-based practice at an individual patient level, nurse practitioners as clinical leaders have additional responsibilities in leading and collaborating with transdisciplinary teams to implement evidence-based practice across patient groups and embed practice change into routine care (Clarke et al., 2021).



      American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (n.d.). Why choose evidence-based practice? https://www.aanp.org/news-feed/why-choose-evidence-based-practiceLinks to an external site.

      Clarke, V., Lehane, E., Mulcahy, H., & Cotter, P. (2021). Nurse Practitioners’ Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice Into Routine Care: A Scoping Review. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing18(3), 180–189. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12510


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  • Collapse SubdiscussionNtumba Kabongo


    Evidence-based practice

    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 was a monumental shift in how healthcare is delivered in the United States. One of its cornerstones is the requirement for empirical evidence in delivering healthcare services. This requirement has led to a greater emphasis on evidence-based practice (EBP), which uses research to inform healthcare delivery. The adoption of EBP has been widespread, with healthcare organizations and practitioners in many different fields embracing the evidence-based approach. Health organizations have been particularly active in promoting EBP. Many organizations now have websites that describe the importance of evidence-based practice or provide resources and guidance to healthcare professionals. To assess the extent to which healthcare organizations are embracing EBP, I conducted a review of the websites of several healthcare organizations.

    The healthcare organization I have chosen is the Center for Evidence-Based Practice Improvement (CEPI), a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing evidence-based practice in healthcare. CEPI works to improve the quality and safety of care by providing resources and guidance to healthcare organizations and practitioners. CEPI’s mission is to foster evidence-based practice improvement by providing resources, guidance and training to healthcare organizations and practitioners. One way CEPI promotes evidence-based practice is through its website. The CEPI website provides various resources for healthcare organizations and practitioners, including evidence-based practice tools, best practices, and research. The website also includes a library of evidence-based practice resources and a searchable database of evidence-based practice articles. CEPI’s seven steps of evidence-based practice are a comprehensive framework for healthcare organizations to use to increase the quality of care they provide. These steps involve identifying problems and setting objectives, acquiring and appraising evidence, applying evidence to practice, evaluating practice, disseminating and implementing the evidence, and monitoring and improving the practice. These steps aim to guide healthcare providers in making decisions that are informed by the best available evidence and ensure that care is delivered in a way that maximizes patient safety and outcomes. By utilizing this framework, healthcare organizations can ensure that their care is evidence-based and of the highest possible quality.



    Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement (CEPI). (2014, July 15). Content last reviewed

    January 2017. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. Retrieved

    November 28, 2022. http://www.ahrq.gov/cpi/centers/cepi/index.htmlMelnyk, B.M., Fineout-Overhold, E., Stillwell, S.B., & Williamson, K.M. (2010). Evidence-based practice step-by-step: The seven steps of evidence-based practice Links to an external site.. American Journal of Nursing, 110(1), 51-53.

    Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2014). The establishment of evidence-based practice competencies for practicing registered nurses and advanced practice nurses in real-world clinical settings: Proficiencies to improve healthcare quality, reliability, patient outcomes, and costs Links to an external site.. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 11(1), 5–15. doi:10.1111/

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionMona Bourbour Shirazi Kordi

      Response 2:

      Hi Ntumba,

      Thanks for the great post. You provide good information regarding evidence-based practice. I was reading and getting more information regarding the Center for Evidence-Based Practice Improvement (CEPI). As you mentioned their main goal is to increase the quality of the patient. One of the main sources of information for healthcare organizations and practitioners is based on evidence. Decision-making in the healthcare system should be based on the information they received from evidence.


      Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement (CEPI). (2014, July 15). Content last reviewed January 2017. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionMellissa Rodriguez

             The world health organization, WHO, is one of the most renowned groups in health care that continuously makes positive impacts on society’s well-being. The WHO states that they “are professionals committed to integrity and excellence in health. With a spirit of collaboration and a steadfast commitment to science, are trusted to care for the world’s health” (WHO, n.d.). Their mission states that they “coordinate the world’s response to health emergencies, promote well-being, prevent disease and expand access to health care” which conveys that this organization does use evidence-based practice resources to share to the public. Without evidence-based practice information and knowledge this organization would not be able to promote and accomplish any of the statements in their mission and values. Evidence based practice information can be found on almost every page of this organization websites. It provides information in various formats such as publications, fact sheets and databases. The WHO is composed of over 8000 healthcare professionals including doctors, scientists, and epidemiologists, who all work diligently to provide the nation accurate information that is backed up by scientific data.

    “Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a life-long problem-solving approach to the delivery of health care that integrates the best evidence from well-designed studies and integrates it with a patient’s preferences and values and a clinician’s expertise, which includes internal evidence gathered from patient data,” with that said it is clear that the WHO is grounded in evidence based practice as they constantly update the information they provide as they inquire it (Melnyk et al., 2014, p. 51). “A core component of WHO’s support to Member States is to strengthen their capacity to collect, compile, manage, analyze, and use health data mainly derived from population-based sources and institution-based sources” meaning that they gather information from a variety of reliable resources as well as their won data collection tools to develop a conclusion (WHO, n.d.)

    The information I discovered on the WHO website only further emphasized the importance of this organization. My perception of WHO has always been positive as this organization makes it possible for the public to be up to date on current healthcare issues and how we can go about facing them. “The World Health Organization (WHO) plays a crucial role providing guidance to country level with regard to both evidence-based interventions addressing key health problems and strategies for delivering them” (Global health, science, and practice, 2018) Not only that but information on almost every topic is available to all who are curious or simply wanting to learn more. My perception of this healthcare organization can be described as optimistic and hopeful that with the information they are updating and providing to the public, society is headed toward a healthier population who care about improving and maintaining their health, safety, and knowledge about health care issues and diseases.


    Evidence-Based Programs, Yes-But What About More Program-Based Evidence?. (2018). Global health, science and practice6(2), 247–248. https://doi.org/10.9745/GHSP-D-18-00192

    Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2014). The establishment of evidence-based practice competencies for practicing registered nurses and advanced practice nurses in real-world clinical settings: Proficiencies to improve healthcare quality, reliability, patient outcomes, and costs Links to an external site.Links to an external site.Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 11(1), 5–15. doi:10.1111/wvn.12021

    World Health Organization. (n.d.). World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionMona Bourbour Shirazi Kordi

      Response 1:

      Hi, I enjoyed reading your discussion post. You provide good information about World Health Organization. World Health Organization (WHO) is one of the best organizations that affect most in the healthcare of different societies. As you mentioned this organization gets to benefit from evidence-based practice to achieve its mission and values. Their main goal is to respond to health emergencies all around the world. WHO has a lot of healthcare members in different countries. One of the best examples of WHO work was on the recent pandemic of Covid-19 which needs this healthcare organization’s action.


      World Health Organization. (n.d.). World Health Organization.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionCassie L Bozard


      Thank you for a great post! I also have a positive perception of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the action plans they put into place to combat current healthcare issues. WHO is an extremely well-known organization which implements interventions based off evidence-based practices to help combat global health issues. The WHO website allows you to research health topics and be updated on the latest evidence pertaining to various health topics. I choose to research mental health on the website to see what evidence-based approaches are provided to combat the current mental health crisis.

      The WHO Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan (2013-2030) commits all countries to provide an action plan around the following four objectives: strong effective leadership and governance, comprehensive, integrated, and responsive community-based care, strategies for promotion and preventions, and stronger information systems, evidence, and research (WHO, 2022). While the organization does provide objectives and goals that are evidence-based, the key stakeholder in this organization is government officials. The website states that the government shapes mental health actions which includes the development of laws and policies to promote improvement for mental health care (WHO, 2022). Research has shown that policies and protocols should be based off best evidence, clinician expertise, and patient values or preferences (Dols et al., 2017). Therefore, as an Advanced Practiced Nurse we need to be active in nursing organizations. We need to have a voice in global health policies that can be backed up by evidence-based practice not by the opinions of policy holders.



      Dols, J. D., Muñoz, L. R., Martinez, S. S., Mathers, N., Miller, P. S., Pomerleau, T. A., Timmons, A., & White, S. (2017). Developing Policies and

      Protocols in the Age of Evidence-Based Practice. Journal of continuing education in nursing48(2), 87–92.


      World Health Organization. (2022). World Mental Health Report: Transforming mental health for all.




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  • Collapse SubdiscussionMleh Porter

          Many research studies today emphasize the importance of incorporating evidence-based practice into professional nursing care. According to the World Health Organization, the health of the communities nurses serve can improve when nursing care is based on evidence-based practice (Li et al., 2019). Evidence-based practice means that the decisions and patient care provided by nurses and other healthcare professionals are directed by the best evidence based on scientific research, which improves patient safety and outcome (Li et al., 2019).

    The healthcare organization website reviewed is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC aims to protect the American public from domestic and foreign health threats. As part of its mission statement, the CDC is described as the United States leading scientific-based organization working to protect the health of Americans by putting science into action to help individuals and communities remain healthy and fend off health threats (CDC, 2021).

    The CDC’s work is grounded in evidenced based practice. To accomplish its goals, which include protecting the health of Americans from domestic and foreign diseases from within and outside the United States, the CDC conducts critical scientific research. It provides this health information to the public to protect the nation’s health (CDC, 2021). The CDC is one of the most important sources of both public health and clinical guidelines. Following its considerable research, the CDC develops guidelines on diseases, safety, and security threats that other healthcare organizations and the public adopt. For these guidelines developed by the CDC to be trusted, they need to be reliable, valid, and based on the best research available (CDC, 2022).

    The information I discovered on the CDC’s website did not change my perception of the CDC. I have always viewed the CDC as a trusted and respected health agency. The CDC’s guidelines and research are often followed and cited by health providers, organizations, and the public. With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the CDC, the nation’s leading health body, provided guidelines and data trends for the public and healthcare providers based on research. The CDC continues to provide information, guidelines, and data on COVID-19 and other diseases, which are available to healthcare providers and the public.


    Li, S., Cao, M., & Zhu, X. (2019). Evidence-based practice: Knowledge, attitudes, implementation, facilitators, and barriers among community nurses-systematic review. Medicine98(39), e17209. https://doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000017209

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, May 7). CDC organization. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved November 30, 2022, from https://www.cdc.gov/about/organization/cio.htm

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, January 13). Standards required for the development of CDC evidence-based guidelines. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved November 30, 2022, from https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/su/su7101a1.htm





     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionBertina Boma Soh

      Hey Porter,

      Thank you for your contribution. I loved reading your work. I agree that the CDC’s work is grounded in evidenced based practice. The CDC’s guidelines and research are often followed and cited by health providers, organizations, and the public. With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the CDC, the nation’s leading health body, provided guidelines and data trends for the public and healthcare providers based on research.


      The healthcare organization website reviewed is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC aims to protect the American public from domestic and foreign health threats and has been doing a great job since founded.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionCassie L Bozard

                                                                                        The Center for Disease Control and Prevention


      Thank you for the great post! The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a variety of evidence-based practices, programs, and journal articles available for public view on the CDC website. The White House Office of Science and Technology on February 22, 2013, wanted to increase access to federally funded scientific research (CDC, 2022). In response to this request, the CDC developed policy CDC-GA-2013-01, Public Access to CDC Funded Publications (CDC, 2022). There is a tab at the top of the website called, Search Stack Collection. This section is a free digital achieve of scientific research and literature that is available to the public.

      Out of curiosity, I choose to research mental health to see the results of the evidence-based publications. There was a lot of great articles, and I encourage my classmates to research topics of interest from the CDC stacks collection. Reviewing a variety of articles allows to cultivate the skill of being able to critically appraise the evidence. Being able to critically appraise the evidence is a skill to determine the most relevant, valid, reliable, and applicable to the clinical question (Melnyk et al., 2010).

      It’s important for well-known organizations, like the CDC, that are grounded in evidence-based research to provide such valuable material to the public. This allows more individuals to be educated in scientific knowledge not just opinions they see through the media or other sources.


      Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). CDC Stacks Public Health Publications.


      Melnyk, B.M., Fineout-Overhold, E., Stillwell, S.B., & Williamson, K.M. (2010).  American Journal of Nursing, 110(1), 51-53. Evidence-based

      practice step-by-step: The seven steps of evidence-based practice Links to an external site.

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionJaushai Henry

    The health care organization website that I reviewed was the American Medical Association. The AMA organization is a website that promotes the art and science of medicine and public health (AMA,2022). AMA has articles to inform individuals on health care matters. The EBP description appears in the “about section” on the main page in the left column. Once the user clicks the “about” section, the user can see the EBP information. I believe the health care organization is grounded on evidence-based practices. Many articles are peer reviewed; the sources are reliable and articles are based on facts from data. For example, in the article “What doctors wish patients knew about type 2 diabetes prevention”, it explains ways to reduce your risk of diabetes, statistics and lifestyle changes. The source is coming from a health care professional. The doctor uses facts and statistics from his line of work (Berg,2022).  Therefore, I believe the evidence basic practice corresponds with the information that is on the website.



    AMA. American Medical Association. (2022, November 29). Retrieved November 30, 2022, from https://www.ama-assn.org/

    Berg, S. (2022, November 4). What doctors wish patients knew about type 2 diabetes prevention. American Medical Association. Retrieved November 30, 2022, from https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/diabetes/what-doctors-wish-patients-knew-about-type-2-diabetes-prevention

     Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionJaushai Henry

    The health care organization website that I reviewed was the American Medical Association. The AMA organization is a website that promotes the art and science of medicine and public health (AMA,2022). AMA has articles to inform individuals on health care matters. In addition, it is the largest and only national association that convenes 190 plus state and specialty medical societies and other critical stakeholders (About,2022).. The EBP description appears in the “about section” on the main page in the left column. Once the user clicks the “about” section, the user can see the EBP information. I believe the health care organization is grounded on evidence-based practices. Many articles are peer reviewed; the sources are reliable and articles are based on facts from data. For example, in the article “What doctors wish patients knew about type 2 diabetes prevention”, it explains ways to reduce your risk of diabetes, statistics and lifestyle changes. The source is coming from a health care professional. The doctor uses facts and statistics from his line of work (Berg,2022).  Therefore, I believe the evidence basic practice corresponds with the information that is on the website.



    About. American Medical Association. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2022, from https://www.ama-assn.org/about

    AMA. American Medical Association. (2022, November 29). Retrieved November 30, 2022, from https://www.ama-assn.org/

    Berg, S. (2022, November 4). What doctors wish patients knew about type 2 diabetes prevention. American Medical Association. Retrieved November 30, 2022, from https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/diabetes/what-doctors-wish-patients-knew-about-type-2-diabetes-prevention

     Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionBertina Boma Soh

    Evidence-based practice is an approach to health care focused on providing the best possible patient outcomes using scientific evidence. It is based on the premise that by utilizing current research and evidence, clinicians can make decisions about treatments and interventions backed up by research instead of relying solely on individual opinions or experiences. Evidence-based practice has been demonstrated to improve the quality of care, reduce costs, and increase patient safety. Using data from clinical trials, guidelines for diagnosis and treatment, systematic reviews of medical literature, and other sources to inform decision-making, evidence-based practice can ensure that patients receive treatments tailored to their specific needs rather than a “one size fits all” approach. This leads to improved outcomes and better access to resources and services since clinicians are better equipped to identify gaps in care due to a lack of knowledge or resources (Melnyk et al., 2018).

    The healthcare organization website I visited is the American Nurses Association (ANA). The ANA website is focused on promoting the nursing profession, advocating for nurses and their patients, and providing resources to help nurses reach their professional goals. The “about us” section of the website states that the ANA is “dedicated to advancing the profession of nursing through the development and promotion of evidence-based practice, research, education, and policy” (American Nurses Association, 2022). This statement shows that evidence-based practice is an integral part of the nursing profession and is something the ANA actively promotes. The website has numerous resources dedicated to helping nurses learn about evidence-based practice and how to apply it to their practice. The ANA also has a section devoted to policy and legislation based on evidence-based practice. This reinforces my perception of the ANA as an organization dedicated to promoting the nursing profession and supporting evidence-based practice.


    American Nurses Association. (2015). About Us. American Nurses Association. Retrieved November 30, 2022, from https://www.nursingworld.org/ana/about-ana/

    Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher‐Ford, L., Zellefrow, C., Tucker, S., Thomas, B., Sinnott, L. T., & Tan, A. (2018). The first US study on nurses’ evidence‐based practice competencies indicates major deficits that threaten healthcare quality, safety, and patient outcomes. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing, 15(1), 16-25.


     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionChristiana Nuworsoo


      Thank you for choosing the American Nurses Association (ANA) for your discussion; I truly enjoyed your post.  ANA is absolutely grounded in EBP and offers an online CE course titled “Making Data Work for Nursing: Using Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice to Affect Nursing Outcomes” (ANA, n.d.).  The course is designed to bring research and best practices about recovering medication errors to enhance patient safety, research mentorship program, and fiscal stewardship to improve nurse staffing (ANA, n.d).  Also, ANA has incorporated evidence-based information from the Agency for Health Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Effective Health Care (EHC) program into a toolkit that its members use in both academic and practice research (Agency for Health Research and Quality, 2012).



      Agency for Health Research and Quality. (2015, July.)  American Nurses Association Incorporates AHRQ Information Into Research Toolkit. Retrieved 12/1/2022 from https://www.ahrq.gov/news/newsroom/case-studies/coe1201.htmlLinks to an external site.

      American Nurses Association. (n.d.).  Making Data Work for Nursing: Using Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice to Affect Nursing Outcomes. Retrieved 12/1/2022 from https://www.nursingworld.org/continuing-education/online-courses/making-data-work-for-nursing-using-nursing-research-and-evidence-based-pra-d28449e4/Links to an external site.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionJimmy Jesse Ortega


      It’s refreshing to see that the American Nurses Association (ANA) uses evidenced-based practice in order to advance the nursing profession. The American Nursing Association fosters high standards of nursing practice, promotes a safe and ethical work environment, and advocates on health care issues that affect nurses and the public (ANA, 2017). Evidenced-based practice is now widely recognized as the key to improving healthcare quality and patient outcomes (Chien, 2019).



      ANA. (2017, October 14). About Ana: Ana enterprise. https://www.nursingworld.org/ana/about-ana/

      Chien L. Y. (2019). Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Research. The journal of nursing research : JNR27(4), e29. https://doi.org/10.1097/jnr.0000000000000346

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionAnupa Mukundram Mehta

      It was great to learn about the ANA and EBP from your post!

      I was surprised to learn from their website that their journal, The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, has been running for 25 years now. Through there, they are always publishing evidence-based articles, with one even being about how evidence-based practice has grown in the nursing profession and helped patients (Stevens, 2013). They even have a continuing education course on their website about the best practices to prevent medication errors and enhance patient safety based on the newest evidence (ANA, 2017). It is great to see the variety of evidence-based practice that they are a part of.



      ANA. (2017, April 30). Making data work for nursing: Using nursing research and evidence-based practice to affect nursing outcomes. ANA. Retrieved December 1, 2022, from https://www.nursingworld.org/continuing-education/online-courses/making-data-work-for-nursing-using-nursing-research-and-evidence-based-pra-d28449e4/

      Stevens. (2013). Ojin homepage. OJIN. Retrieved December 1, 2022, from https://ojin.nursingworld.org/table-of-contents/volume-18-2013/number-2-may-2013/impact-of-evidence-based-practice/#heading8

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  • Collapse SubdiscussionJimmy Jesse Ortega

    The healthcare organization’s website that I reviewed was the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). I found that in their mission statement, they stated that they aim to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans, by providing for effective health and human services by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services. So, by using evidenced based practice, they aim to improve the health care the citizens of the United States receive. Evidenced based practice is a process used to review, analyze, and translate the latest scientific evidence. The goal is to quickly incorporate the best available research, along with clinical experience and patient preference, into clinical practice, so nurses can make informed patient-care decisions (Kelly, R., 2022). Every four years, HHS updates its Strategic Plan, which describes its work to address complex, multifaceted, and evolving health and human service issues. (ASPE, 2022). According to goal 4 objective 4 of the Strategic Plan, selecting and adopting evidence-based approaches to tackle health, public health, and human services challenges can be a complex undertaking. But, by using evidence based practice, HHS programs are able to balance requirements to implement high-quality programs with fidelity, while acknowledging the unique needs of specific individuals or target populations, recognizing differences in program and community settings and resources, and respecting linguistic or cultural differences. (HHS.gov, 2021).

    I believe that the work of the HHS is heavily dependent on evidence based practice. All of their work can be backed up by studies and research that aim to better the healthcare industry. The information that I have found during my research of the organization has led me to believe that their work is credible, and has changed my perception of the organization entirely. I now have trust in the organization, and was pleasantly surprised at their efforts to increase safe health care for patients in the United States.



    Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE). (2022, May 11). Strategic plan FY 2018 – 2022. HHS.gov. https://www.hhs.gov/about/strategic-plan/2018-2022/index.htmlLinks to an external site.

    HHS.gov. (2021, July 15). FY 2019 – Goal 4 objective 4https://www.hhs.gov/about/budget/fy2019/performance/performance-plan-goal-4-objective-4/index.htmlLinks to an external site.

    Kelly, R. (2022, March 21). Evidence-based practice. Evidence-Based Practice. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/nursing/center-nursing-inquiry/nursing-inquiry/evidence-based-practice.html#:~:text=EBP%20is%20a%20process%20used,et%20al.%2C%202022)Links to an external site..



     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionJordyn Simons

      Hi Jimmy,

      Thank you for sharing information for the HHS. It was informative to read your post. I provided information on the FDA and many of these agencies and organizations we research uses their own process to identify what is evidence-based but often a systematic review or a meta-analysis is used to evaluate the body of evidence in each field. I found that the HHS reviews published intervention evaluations or studies that have evidence of effectiveness, feasibility, reach, sustainability, and transferability grouped by topic. One interesting fact about the HHS is that each evidence-based resource is related to one or more Healthy People 2030 objectives (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2022).


      U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2022, April 4). Evidence-based practices & programs. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from https://prevention.nih.gov/research-priorities/dissemination-implementation/evidence-based-practices-programs#:~:text=U.S.%20Department%20of%20Health%20and%20Human%20Services%20%28HHS%29,to%20one%20or%20more%20Healthy%20People%202030%20objectives.

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  • Collapse SubdiscussionErica Dentaa Darko

    Erica Darko

    Evidence-Based Practice and the Quadruple Aim

    Walden University

    NURS 6052N-31: Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice (Week 1)

    Dr. Crystal Regina Lewis
    November 30th, 2022


    Where in the world is Evidence-based practice?

    As we all know, EBP, or evidence-based practice, results in the highest quality of care and the best patient outcomes (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 2018). Implementing EBP in healthcare systems improves care quality, patient outcomes, treatment costs, and healthcare staff knowledge (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018).

    For this week’s discussion, I chose to discuss The Joint Commission, a health organization I am familiar with. The Joint Commission is ‘an independent, not-for-profit organization which accredits and certifies nearly 21,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States (The Joint Commission, n.d.).

    The Joint Commission strives to improve health care for the public by evaluating healthcare organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe, effective, and cost-effective care (the Joint Commission, n.d.). The website “The Joint Commission” has a FAQs section where one can find answers to the most frequently asked questions. “What do standards focus on?” asks one question that stood out: it discusses patient safety and quality care and how it collects data on its performance and uses that data to improve itself (The Joint Commission, n.d.). In my opinion, EBP is evident all over the website.

     As I continued to read through this organization’s website, it became apparent on the first page who they are and what they stand for, including their mission of “advancing safety and quality while transforming health care by encouraging, empowering, and supporting health care organizations to embrace quality improvement (The Joint Commission), n.d.). Another instance of EBP can be found in their vision statement, which states that “all people always receive the safest, highest-quality, best-value health care across all settings” (The Joint Commission, n.d.).

    The first page is filled with helpful information, such as their goal of improving quality and safety and assisting organizations with quality improvement (The Joint Commission, n.d.). A Resource section also discusses various topics that will help one on their path to providing the highest level of quality and patient care. Following extensive research, The Joint Commission hopes to give customers evidence-based quality improvement through health services research.

    This organization is unquestionably based on EBP. The development of trustworthy, evidence-based guidelines in which it was recommended that organizations producing guidelines provide clear, transparent explanations to focus on their mission, which is to provide quality care for patient safety (The Joint Commission, n.d.). The Joint Commission Patient Safety Goals and accreditation standards include expectations for evidence-based care interventions. As a healthcare organization, The Joint Commission recognizes evidence-based standards that set reasonable, achievable, and surveyable expectations for organizational performance (The Joint Commission, n.d.). As an organization, they concentrate on critical functions critical to providing safe, high-quality care. For example, I noticed a link on the website titled “Infection Prevention & Control,” which contains evidence-based resources for preventing infections in clinical settings.

    My perception has been strengthened after reviewing information on the Joint Commission’s website. First and foremost, their mission is inspiring to provide tools and resources for healthcare professionals to help make a difference in the delivery of care, which I believe is critical.

    This organization accredits many healthcare facilities, allowing healthcare workers and facilities to practice and provide care safely. As nurses, for example, we strive to provide exceptional patient care while ensuring safety and quality. Nurses are on the front lines of health care, and EBP gives them a unique opportunity to improve patient care (Crabtree et al., 2016).

    Healthcare organizations such as the Joint Commission reassure us that the primary goal is patient care and safety. I noticed on the website that anyone could report a safety event directly from the website. Updating healthcare practices to maximize the benefits of evidence from multiple research studies improves patient safety and patient/staff satisfaction.



    Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving patient care through nursing engagement in evidence-based practice Links to an external site.Links to an external site.Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(2), 172–175. doi:10.1111/wvn.12126

    Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

    The Joint Commission . The Joint Commission. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2022, from https://www.jointcommission.org/

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionSheila Ankrah


      Hi Erica,

      Evidence-based practice (EBP) improves patient outcomes, care quality, reduces cost, and empowers physicians (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018).  The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has established preventative and treatment guidelines based on scientific evidence and clinical trials.  The AHRQ establishes medical guidelines and recommendations to help physicians and patients make informed decisions about preventive measures and treatment plans.  EBP influences the AHRQ seen in examples such as screening recommendations and guidelines for antepartum depression and setting prostate cancer screenings guidelines.  These two examples of EBP show how scientific evidence can create or hinder evidence-based practices to help clinicians make informed clinician decisions.

      Initially, AHRQ gave prostate screening a level D recommendation as two studies showed no true significance of prostate cancer screening using prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels (Neel et al., 2018).  The two clinical trials examined by AHRQ and the recommendations that followed led to decreased prostate cancer screening overall. No secondary recommendation was put in place to set clinical guidance for prostate cancer screening outside of PSA levels and biopsies.  Neel et al. (2018) mentioned a direct correlation between decreased PSA levels as a screening tool for prostate cancer and reduced prostate biopsies.  With the decline in PSA levels as a screening tool, populations at high risk for aggressive prostate cancers, such as African-American and African-Caribbean men, did not receive appropriate prostate cancer screening (Neel et al., 2018).

      Another example of EBP use within the AHRQ is screening pregnant women for depression with adequate services to proceed with treatment.  These recommendations support findings that pregnant women are at a higher risk for depression; factors such as social support, particular partner support, socioeconomic status, and disease burden can contribute to antepartum depression (APD) (Evans et al., 2017), emphasized the use of cognitive behavior therapy and the nurse facilitating ADP treatment, which created the framework for the AHRQ guidelines for the treatment of APD.


      Evans, E. C., Deutsch, N. L., Drake, E., & Bullock, L. (2017). Nurse-Patient Interaction as a Treatment for Antepartum Depression: A Mixed-Methods Analysis. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 23(5), 347–359.

      Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer

      Neel H. Patel, Jonathan Bloom, Joel Hillelsohn, Sean Fullerton, Denton Allman, Gerald Matthews, Majid Eshghi, & John L. Phillips. (2018). Prostate Cancer Screening Trends After United States Preventative Services Task Force Guidelines in an Underserved Population. Health Equity, 2(1), 55–61. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1089/HEQ.2018.0004Links to an external site.

       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionAmanda Sutherland

    Initial Post
    Increasingly since the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, the concept of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) has become

    central to the improvement of healthcare quality, patient outcomes, cost containment, and solid individual provider practice

    (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). EBP is the basis for the so-called Quadruple Aim in healthcare (Walden University, 2018).

    EBP is now the aspiration of healthcare systems across the United States.
    The focus of my research was The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) a nonprofit

    accreditation organization in the United States that surveys more than 20,000 healthcare organizations nationally. JCAHO is

    the largest accreditation commission in the United States and helps to enforce both state and federal healthcare regulations.

    JCAHO is comprised of a 21-member Board of Commissioners that include healthcare providers, professors, and watchdogs. A

    team of over 1000 surveyors visit healthcare institutions across the country to observe and note opportunities for

    improvement of evidence based practice in order to improve quality of care. EBP is noted in JCAHO’s vision, mission, goals, and

    website. Its mission is stated below.

    To continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care

    organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value. (The Joint

    Commission, 2022)

    It is clear from the organization’s mission and website that its work is grounded in EBP in that it formulates healthcare quality

    goals based on healthcare research at the national level. The organization’s website clearly illustrates the way in which it

    references EBP in order to set and enforce standards for quality improvement in areas such as nosocomial infections including

    surgical site, catheterization and multi-drug-resistant infections (The Joint Commission, 2022).


    The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. (2022). The joint commission: Who we are. Retrieved

    11/30/2022 from https://www.jointcommission.org/who-we-are/

    Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare:
    A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer

    Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher‐Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout‐Overholt, E. (2014). The establishment of evidence‐based practice

    competencies for practicing registered nurses and advanced practice nurses in real‐world clinical settings: Proficiencies to

    improve healthcare quality, reliability, patient outcomes, and costs. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing, 11(1), 5-15.


    Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2018). Evidence-based Practice and the Quadruple Aim

    [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

     Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionMaxine A Lewis

    Week 1 DQ Lewis. M

    The national campaign initiative Million Hearts 2027 aims to stop 1 million heart attacks and strokes in the next five years. It focuses on executing a limited number of priorities and targets supported by research that can enhance cardiovascular health for all (Million Hearts 2027). The very basis of Million Hearts Initiative is rooted in evidence bases practice. “Every 34 seconds in the United States, an adult die from cardiovascular disease (CVD). These are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and friends—all gone because of a disease that is preventable” the challenge further cites that “Million Hearts® exists for the sole purpose of saving more of the lives taken and protecting more of the lives impacted by heart disease and stroke in the United States.” (Million Hearts 2027) by focusing preventable risk factors and optimizing care.

    The Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has combined to head this campaign. The Million Hearts Initiative was initially piloted in 2016-2022 and resulted in preventing 135,000 cardiac related acute events and saved Medicare and Medicaid 5.6 million in medical cost (million Hearts.gov). However, there was the unintended consequence of increase cardiac incident as well as deaths noted in aged 45-64 more men than females with a diagnosis of hypertension (Richey et.al) and (CDC).

    Hence the initiative was  adjusted to focusing on decreasing risk, blood pressure control as well as instituting aspirin to name a few in ages 45-64. Over the years the initiatives have developed a significant amount of partnership which has contributed to the continual success of the Million Hearts Initiative. See link for an overview of this initiative https://millionhearts.hhs.gov/files/MH_At_A_Glance_2022-508.pdfLinks to an external site..

    This information I must admit I was amazed and impressed! I was not aware of this initiative! This is evidence-based busting from its seams! So much data, research, and analysis. In addition, numerous educational materials in layperson terms for educating the community and yet more in-depth literatures and research for providers.


    Million Hearts 2016 Made a Significant National Impact, https://millionhearts.hhs.gov/data-reports/impact.html

    Million Hearts 2027, https://millionhearts.hhs.gov/about-million-hearts/index.html

    Ritchey M.D et.al, May 2,2017, Million Hearts: Description of the National Surveillance and Modeling Methodology Used to Monitor the Number of Cardiovascular Events Prevented During 2012–2016

    Ritchey M.D. et.al. Million Hearts®: 2012–2016 Final Report Addendum Significant Impact; Significant Opportunity , https://millionhearts.hhs.gov/files/MH_final_report_addendum_2020.pdfLinks to an external site.

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  • Collapse SubdiscussionSheena Grays

                                                                                                       The Joint Commission

    The Joint Commission is an independent, not-for-profit healthcare organization aiming to enhance public healthcare. The Joint Commission partners with other stakeholders by assessing healthcare organizations and encouraging them to excel in providing safe, efficient, and valuable high-quality care. “The Joint Commission evaluates and accredits more than 22,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States” (“Joint Commission,” n.d.). The healthcare organization’s accreditation and certification are acknowledged nationally as an emblem of quality that signifies an organization’s dedication to meeting specific performance standards (“Joint Commission,” n.d.). As I navigated through the organizations’ website, I found many places where there was confirmation of evidence-based practice (EBP). I noticed mention of EBP in their mission and vision statement that acknowledged that they are “continuously improving health care for the public” and “all people always experience the safest, highest quality, best-value health care across all settings” (“Joint Commission,” n.d.). I also found EBP on their website within the patient safety section that stated that The Joint Commission is “constantly studying emerging patient safety issues and rolling out evidenced-based methods to solve them” (“Joint Commission,” n.d.). Furthermore, I found a section dedicated solely to evidence-based interventions that have proved achievement in tackling health conditions and topics with known inconsistencies (“Evidence-based interventions,” n.d). The Joint Commission is defiantly grounded in EBP. The website provides the public and healthcare workers with an abundance of the latest patient safety information (“Evidence-based interventions,” n.d). The website has several resources and a vast assortment of accreditation and certification guides, books, e-books, and periodicals to support the information posted (“Evidence-based interventions,” n.d). After further research on The Joint Commission website, my perspective of the organization has not changed (“Joint Commission,” n.d.). I always knew that the Joint Commission was a big player in the healthcare world; however, I just learned that they significantly influenced other healthcare organizations’ accreditations (“Joint Commission,” n.d.).


    Evidence-based interventions. (n.d.). A Trusted Partner in Patient Care | The Joint Commission. https://www.jointcommission.org/our-priorities/health-care-equity/accreditation-standards-and-resource-center/evidence-based-interventions/Links to an external site.

    The Joint Commission. (n.d.). Home. https://www.jointcommission.orgLinks to an external site.

     Reply to Comment

      • Collapse SubdiscussionSheena Grays

        Dr. Lewis,


        Evidence-based practice (EBP) presents the latest high-quality research in conjunction with clinical proficiency in patient characteristics, culture, and preferences (“Evidence-based practice in psychology,” n.d.). I could promote EBP at my healthcare organization by encouraging staff to participate in evidence-based processes. As the nurse leader, I need to provide staff with ongoing education that entails the most recent safe clinical practices to provide the best quality of care (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). Furthermore, to push EBP in an organization, I would need to provide employees and stakeholders with resources to show the new practices are EBP and how the new EBP will benefit the patient and the health organization (“Evidence-based practice in psychology,” n.d.).


        Evidence-based practice in psychology. (n.d.). https://www.apa.org. https://www.apa.org/practice/resources/evidenceLinks to an external site.

        Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

         Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionMellissa Rodriguez

      Hi Sheena, 

      I agree with your post that the Joint Commision plays a huge role in the healthcare role and also have a positive perspective toward them. Their website is filled with evidence-based practice resources and as states on their website they use “qualitative and quantitative methods to carry out research activities such as systematically assessing program effectiveness, assessing outcomes of a specific intervention, or the impact of a product, program, or service on an organization or its stakeholders” (Joint Commission, n.d.). With that said it is obvious that the Joint Commission takes pride in ensuring that the information they are displaying to the public is backed up by current scientific data. “Adoption of specific EBP competencies for nurses and advanced practice nurses (APNs) who practice in real-world healthcare settings can assist institutions in achieving high-value, low-cost evidence-based health care” (Melnyk et al., 2014). Furthermore, as nurses it is important to keep up to date with the newest studies and interventions used to ensure patient safety and positive outcomes and the Joint Commision website is a great resource.  


      Evaluation research. The Joint Commission. (n.d.).  https://www.jointcommission.org/resources/research/evaluation-research/Links to an external site. 

      Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2014). The establishment of evidence-based practice competencies for practicing registered nurses and advanced practice nurses in real-world clinical settings: Proficiencies to improve healthcare quality, reliability, patient outcomes, and costs Links to an external site.Links to an external site.Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 11(1), 5–15. doi:10.1111/wvn.12021 

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionSheri Estes

      Hi Sheena, 

        I enjoyed reading your post on The Joint Commission. The Joint Commission is involved in many aspects of healthcare delivery from leadership support to multidisciplinary collaboration. TJC helps hospitals and healthcare facilities by awarding them accreditation which allows for reputation. 





      Wadhwa, R., & Huynh, A. P. (2022). The Joint Commission. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing. 

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    • Collapse SubdiscussionJordyn Simons


      I enjoyed reading your post about the joint commission. The joint commission is an organization in which we are all familiar as nurses. Through researching the website, I found that their evidence-based research and interventions must meet criteria. This criterion includes study was published in a reputable peer-reviewed journal, randomized controlled trial methodology conducted with adequate sample sizes to conduct analyses, a well-defined patient population, study is replicable, use of clinical outcome measures directly related to the clinical topic, and yielded statistically significant results showing sustained effectiveness over time (Evidence-based interventions. (n.d.). Through the use of evidence based practice we are able to important patient outcomes and safety. We can do this at out facilities by ensuring we are up to date with the latest research in our field of practice.


      Evidence-based interventions. (n.d.). A Trusted Partner in Patient Care, The Joint Commission. https://www.jointcommission.org/our-priorities/health-care-equity/accreditation-standards-and-resource-center/evidence-based-interventions/

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  • Collapse SubdiscussionJasmine London

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a public health organization within the U.S. Its goal is to protect Americans from healthcare threats such as diseases. Evidence based practice is essential to the CDC. According to their mission, the CDC conducts critical science to provide health information that protects our nation from health threats (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022.) This organization uses evidence based findings to make recommendations to the public regarding health issues. There are resources listed on the website that provide data on specific topics relevant to research. Evidence based articles are provided as well (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022.) What I found did not change my perception of CDC. I knew it was an agency that prioritized evidence to improve health outcomes. For example, during COVID they were essential to providing guidance on how to prevent the spread of the virus.


    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Evidence-based practices.

    https://www.cdc.gov/publichealthgateway/program/resources/evidence.htmlLinks to an external site.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). CDC Organization. Centers for Disease

    Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/about/organization/cio.htm

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